
Or even, "WWMVD" What Would Michael Vick Do?

I would imagine it's something similar to "Apple gave the police the coordinates of the phone, and it was in that house"

There's a leaf, and it's red. That's all they have in common. Lots of things are red and have leaves, like Strawberries and Pomegranates. How long has the Chinese company been using this logo (not that it even matters, because there's no way that anybody could confuse the two, and besides Apple in the US and the

Now, I'm thinking, if the cloud version could be reset, what is the point of the thing?

I can't seem to find such a link under Steve's picture, only under Tim's. It would seem that Steve's picture is a flash move (kind of ironic) to prevent anyone from saving it.

So who did know? Who made the fateful decision, and why? I'm looking for a proper name here.

I'm really curious now, what exactly is fantasy in any of what you read above? Just because something is not your experience, does not mean it did not happen to somebody else.

That's easy enough to get around...

What about the new episodes (and I mean THE first run) of your favorite shows. Can you get those online? What about the shows that you like that not everybody else does, can you always find every episode of those online? How about shows on those obscure channels that you watch? What about if you enjoy programming

>someone with decent authority in the company sign it.

It's easy. Somebody go down in a cage and test the darn thing out, record it, and post the video.

Remember the target audience. I knew about metadata, you knew about metadata, but my Mom and Dad didn't.

This guy can't "own" them, nobody owns telephone numbers, he only has the right to use them. The ILEC can decide to yank them whenever they want by simply deactivating them at the switch, modifying the routing tables, and for whatever reason they want too. Be it Verizon, ATT, or whoever, the phone companies answer to

I usually just take a kitchen timer with me when I do laundry and set it for the same time as the wash, then when it goes off, I can go back...

It was the product that made it to FailBlog, not the girl...

I saw this first on FailBlog

I would love to see an updated version of this. I remember this one from when I was little. Especially that part at the beginning, with the orange liquid.


Would you still say that if you lived in a place like North Korea or China where people are starving because there are literally too many people?

The plane is worth more than the pilot