
Ok, I see the thing about the Asian Fonts, so how do I disable/remove them? (Win7)

@kip0130: Yes, you're the only one. :-)

It would have been funnier if it had been called Flush instead of Frash

So it won't work on a 3G, but will it work on a 3GS? Does it have to be upgraded to iOS 4.0?

@Bellingman: As per the FAQ on their web site: "TrapCall currently supports AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless and Sprint."

I believe it is my right to know who is calling me, and that is also why I keep my number unblocked also. Back when I had a landline, there was an extra called anonymous caller rejection, where calls that hid their CallerID info would get bounced at the switch before the call reached me with a recording that said

I just heard about it now, I'll host one in Chico California if anyone is interested

It just so happens that I do live in Chico. Which bar is it?

in this graphic, it looks like there is a link to how to find out what bootloader you have. That is EXACTLY what I'm trying to find out and nobody can/will tell me. Too bad it's only a graphic...


@Pasukin: I'm glad somebody got it...

@daPrinz: Except that nobody takes Sprint seriously anymore.

So when can we download and install OS4 on our 3GS's?

I can't remember where I saw it a couple days ago, where the Kindle version was actually MORE expensive than the dead-tree version.

Yeah... I'll keep my existing Otterbox... Yeah...

@pouncep: 2.3 kW = 2300 Watts. Bulb = 60 Watts. Watts = Volts x Amps, and in the US, electric ovens run at 240 volts. I used to sell electrical supplies, and in training for that job, I learned that most electric ranges in the US use about 50 AMPS. So therefore the math works out to about 12000 watts. I don't

Too bad half the computers at my work are still running Win98...

The girl on the left, in picture #4, kinda looks like Slash from Guns N Roses.