
Have to create a controversy to get those clicks. 

Jenna Ellis has the most resting bitch face of all resting bitch faces.

Terabytes is easy with just three people in the house and uncapped gig fiber. We have Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, PlayStations, XBoxes. 4K TVs everywhere. It’s easy and cheap here! Sucks for Comcast users.

No. Portland, OR.

CenturyLink in Portland, OR. I KNOW they’re not great everywhere. But they’ve been top notch for me for two years now. I’m a network admin and I have to use them for a site in Phoenix. It’s not good. They’re great for me here though. The box is right across the street so that probably helps.

Really happy with my provider. 1gb fiber up and down. No caps. $65/month.

Fuck Zuck

LOL. NoT thAt i bElIEvE iN coNSpiracY theorIES...

We all eat eggs though.

This is not the way.

This is not the way.

I was supporting Biden. Not sure what you’re reading into my reply.

He was actually in Atlanta. Try harder.

You forgot the most important accessory: a Facebook account.

You forgot the most important accessory: a Facebook account.

Somebody told him that the northern part of California has lots of Republicans.

You just really like that “this” gif. You’re welcome.

That’s what the star is for.

Hurry up Starlink and fuck up the night sky!

You said they lifted the whole dang room up. I stated the only thing lifted was the walls. Yes, the ceiling changed as well. It didn’t lift though which is why I didn’t mention it. It was really cool to see in person. I hope you enjoyed it as well.

Just the walls.

That’s what the star is for.