dug deep
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Not wrenching per se but I learned more about how cars work from this short clip from the ‘30's (from when YouTube was made from actual humans and tubes) than any other video since.

My favorite car ever

I missed this one but my very first car was a yellow Type 3 fastback. Not only my favorite yellow car but one of my favorite cars period.

Seems like Fred’s headed south

Anything Renault from the ‘80's. I never drove a Fuego, but I was really tempted by a Le Car. Until it broke down on the test drive. Good sense/lack of money kept me from ever getting one, but I’m sure buying one of these would have made for some good stories once the pain wore off.

local residents offered to help in the cleanup, but were told “This is nacho cheese”

I kind of miss the days before antilock brakes. I learned in my old Dodge Ram 50 that the squeal of locked-up tires was far more effective than the horn in telling the guy in front of you he did something stupid.

My first thought as well, followed instantly by Speedway at Nazareth, which I realized I like just a little bit more.

Early 2000's I was on the bus to go to the rental counter for Fox rental. I’d never heard of them at that point so I had no expectations, plus I had nothing planned for the entire day and was in no hurry. We get to the rental agency and people start to get up and get their stuff to get off. The driver says “No, you

I have an EX 37, the one year between raising the size of the displacement and renaming the line to QX50.

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Not what people typically think of as a “road song”, but in 1992ish I was sensing trouble with the girlfriend and I needed to escape for a weekend. I’d never been to Moab and had a friend living there so I hopped in the car and drove straight through from Kansas City with two cassette tapes: Paul Simon’s Rhythm of the

Pikes Peak highway.  Contrived?  The truth is out there...

I too had a 70's fastback. I went through voltage regulators faster than I go through Q-Tips. The heater didn’t NOT work, and the rear floorboard was a pop-riveted garbage can lid. I was embarrassed by that car from the day I bought it, but for some reason it’s the car I miss the most.

My first thoughts exactly, but I figured I’d check to see if someone beat me to it. Cars should look like this.

The first time I ever went to Tim Horton’s we arrived just after a tour bus full of Italians. I could overhear the tour guide’s spiel and hear the Canadian pride in his voice as he told about the restaurant chain, but at the same time I was watching an Italian kid holding a doughnut with a bite out of it with a

For a few years it was a ‘69 Mach 1 with a cheap paint job, a 351W in need of rings, and a passenger window that fell off the track if you slammed the door.

I get it. I don’t mind driving longer stints, but saying 2 hrs means we have to stop, pee, walk, whatever.  Plus we’re currently in that sweet spot where our daughter can drive but is still young enough to want to come on trips with us.  Three drivers means one person gets the whole back seat to camp out in.

2 hrs and we switch drivers.  Everyone arrives in a better mood.

I saw that! I wish I would have added the part about the stickered water bottle.