
Phew!!! Only one line. Not pregnant!

Hey, you know that guy too? I thought he only worked in my building!

A signal tracer does more than make a beep sound, in fact, I don't remember the ones that I've used making a beep sound at all. A signal tracer is basically an amplified speaker with a probe as the input. So if you were tracing the signal path on a piece of audio gear, you could basically follow the music (or

Nice π reference!

That is great! I wasn't aware of that option. Thanks!

I've had awesome luck with Craigslist the last two years. I sold both of our 8gb 3G's (not 3GS's) for $200 each 2 years ago and then both of our 16gb 4's for $315 and $330 last year. This year I've got 2 iPhone 4S's, both 32gb versions, to sell and I don't think I'll have a problem. Last year, upgrading the two of

Yes. I've owned iPhones for 4 years. I am hoping that with the redesign toward (possibly) something more robust, they would inset the glass all the way into the body this time around.

I sure hope that the glass on the front of the phone doesn't stick up outside of the body like the lead shot shows! That will suck to try to protect.

I had a young (18-23 year old) guy tailgating me bigtime in a Sonic last week. I finally had an opportunity to move over and he went zipping on by. For as far as I could see him in front of me, he was weaving back and forth to get around people on the two lane roadway we were on. When he was behind me, I couldn't

I'm still on the fence about this design. I think the black one looks nice but dislike the white one.

That seems pretty cool. I will definitely put it to use when I get ready to sell two iPhones next month on Craigslist.

I also heard that it will only be available in "Super Metallic Beige" and I found this spy shot of the back end:

Stupid double posts!

I bought the new iPad this year and absolutely love it. It's my first iPad but I've had each iPhone since the 3G as well as a couple AppleTVs and multiple iPods over the years. If they release a 7.XX" version and the price is right, I would gladly pick one up for my spouse. She enjoys using mine whenever possible

Just don't use it anywhere that it will contact electricity! One of the shops I worked at had a guy who tried using it to unbind a sewing machine mechanism and accidentally got some in the motor. As soon as he plugged it in and hit the foot pedal, the machine went up in flames! It was super dangerous.

Couldn't Blake just take a blue flower up the mountain and ask Ken Watanabe to show him how to kick some ass....Batman style?

Got it. I may not use it or ever switch from gmail, but at least my spot is reserved.

I'd suggest starting with oil changes, batteries, alternators, drive belts, tune ups and thermostats and then move to things like changing disc brakes, tie rod ends, ball joints, etc. Mind you, depending on the car you purchase, some of these tasks can be much more difficult and may not be for beginners. For

That has been my method as well, I just didn't want to ramble in the comment for too long. Besides during inspection renewals, I don't remember the last time any shop took a wheel off my car. Even bringing my wheels to a shop gets me all stirred up. Especially freshly powdercoated BBS that I spent a crapload of

Yes, me too. All of my friends talk to me about their car issues that I could fix for them but won't. I was a mechanic for a living for just over a year but now refuse to work on anyone's vehicles but my own.