
You sound JUST LIKE THE WHITE MEN screeching “butbutbut what about false accusations” on the Harvey W-centered pages right now.


target acquired, target destroyed.

I am guessing he gets enough nudes from Draymond already.

This is good and you should feel good

“Ewww, feet? Doesn’t he know where they’ve been?”

Clam chowder? When done right, it’s great.

Blade Runner: Jared Leto’s Part Was Written For David Bowie, Try to Imagine How Much Cooler That Would Have Been

So the fuck what? We’re supposed to feel sorry for an asshole because he once wasn’t an asshole, but became an asshole? Fuck that guy.

Oh god I so hope this is the opening volley in the labor battle that destroys the NFL

“Nice work!” —Onan

Lollipop Chainsaw by Suda 51 and James Gunn. Just a quick Google of Suda 51's body of work should explain everything... or not.

Sir, you are BALDING. No one notices your bod, Dad or otherwise, because of that giant blank space on your head.

I’m not talking about people who use female AND male with the same frequency. But people who use “female” to address women and “men/man” to address men.

I was surprised not to see Dark City, which seemed to get a lot of love round these parts not too long ago. I also have a soft spot for Strange Days, and I’m not sure if 28 Days Later counts as sci-fi, but if it does, I’d probably throw that on the list, too.

This was the exact moment this game had my money.

anyone who has ever lived or worked near a pond can already vouch for the fact that ALL geese are assholes.

I’ve been following Anthony Fantano for years and I stopped following him when he started his anti-SJW “meme shit” with his thisistheplan videos. I’m disappointed that a man who helped popularise bands like Death Grips would make content that goes against the message of bands like Death Grips.

“The Košice Peace Marathon boasts that it’s the oldest marathon in Europe”. I mean, it’d be 2nd oldest at best, right?