
I think so. I think Mary in an angry and vulnerable emotional state could find herself a little drawn to Bash based on their past and support without it being "heelish". I don't think the inverse would be the same.

I pretty much agree but apparently the problem was that A)Dr. Jacoby's excellent reviews were going up first (so the first thing commenters saw was a TVD review) and B) One or 2 TVD commenters said stuff like "Reign sucks…Go Vampire Diaries (I'm paraphrasing).

Totally fair that it will end up that way. I'm not talking about that though. Just talking about the present.

That's fair.

Speaking for myself that's not my problem with it. Of course his wife and lover getting raped because of his terrible decisions has an impact on Francis that should be explored.

I think the show screwed itself a little bit with the Bash/Kenna marriage (as awesome as it has been). Bash as a good character would become evil by proximity if he was to sort of "cheat" on Kenna with Mary.

I'm not talking about the preview for next month's episode yet. I'm just talking about this episode, where you could have Bash trying to comfort Mary with no romantic intentions just because he's a good guy and he cares about her. The scenes would have a lot more dramatic heft to them with Bash in that role instead

Well, the problem is that Louis has been presented so far as a fundamentally good person. He's done nothing to throw doubt on that, and clearly gone against his bro's orders and clearly has fallen for Mary.

yeah, I can't get over how much time was wasted on that. It bogged down the entire first half of this season. And I'm totally not interested now in seeing Francis torture Narcisse.

haha. Amazing. I'd rather watch all of those than Reign right now. I'll suggest another one.

This episode was a real mess imo. So disappointed in the Thursday CW shows right now.

Here's another way to simplify storytelling by the way: You have basically 4 characters doing the work that 2 should be, and as a result Bash and Kenna are getting thrown to the side for no reason, and the show refuses to acknowledge it's own established history with Bash/Mary. You have Louis there to throw a wrench

What a mess. The rape and its aftermath have played out largely as I feared. It's an impetus to break Mary and Francis up and put Louis and Mary together. Which is just so silly, and really convoluted. The crazy thing is how unnecessary, and actually how outright confusing the whole thing is. The story would be

I mainly agree. To be honest, most of the problems with this show right now (for me at least) trace back to the producers/writers being locked in to Laurel/Cassidy as the Black Canary. The fact is that Loitz is, was, and always will be the superior choice for that and for whatever reason, the show was just locked in

Of course they don't know about the bone marrow plan, we do. They know that those kids being at Mt. Weather is not gonna end well for them. I imagine Clark has told them as much about the experiments she knows about on the Grounders. It's not a leap to think the same thing could and would happen to the 100 there.

Yes, those non-innocent kids certainly deserve to be left to die and have their bone marrow be harvested in brutal procedures. Whatever man, I'm not gonna debate with you if you honestly believe those kids deserve to be left to that fate when applying our own morals to this show. The show has acknowledged several

I thought in the beginning she seemed so cute and nice. She was just a doctor lady and it was unclear how much she knew about what was going on.

Being a shithead is leaving 47 innocent kids to die without even trying to do anything about it. All the grounders did was beat him up and threaten him, and he's all like "Derp…We gotta pack up everything and run on a journey to a possibly mythical place that I've never seen that involves trekking through the desert

As I predicted right after the massacre, I don't think Finn is long for this world. I think he will sacrifice himself next week to keep the peace. Good. I have not liked the fallout of his massacre as well, but it will be redeemed when that shithead gets murdered by Lexa.

A+ episode. While it doesn't necessarily redeem the shakiness of this season so far, it at the very least got me back to loving this show. I mean, man, that was some epic shit. If I have 1 complaint, it's that the Palmer stuff was misplaced this episode and more time should have been devoted to Ra's Al Ghul being