
*sees comments getting shuttered across the Gizmodoverse*

No it doesn’t make sense in any language. It’s not a convention of any language it’s an artistic embellishment that has no linguistic purpose. It started in manga as a visual flourish that has no linguistic value it’s 100% about the look.

“special tax breaks”

Not what I am hearing from the 20 somethings I know who are basically the only people that seem to be fans of the series at this point (that I know).

It was all so frustrating as to why it happened in the first place. Her comments were not antisemitic and to say a mistreatment of one group of people is hatred toward another is laughable.  I’m glad her career is able to move on because there are too many people in this situation that would not be able to experience

No matter what their take on it, they handled it BADLY.

man what happened to her sucked. they were so stupid to fire her. like they rebooted the franchise around her. im glad shes back on her feet because Abigail looks pretty good

I hope her star raises for the next 10 to 20 years so she doesn’t have to return to Scream franchise for a last ditch effort payday. 

The observation is happening in real time, but what’s being observed happened ~22 million years ago. 

This is taken from an article that cherry-picked Moffat’s comments to make them sound a bit more controversial than they are.

Basically, I think he was responding to and attempting to dismiss claims that the show has become a “conspiracy of wokeness” in recent years because it dares to acknowledge that

I don’t know what has become of you Gizmodo but I do not like it!!!

The number of studio that would absolutely fight to the death for Feige if Disney was stupid enough to fire him would be...checks notes...ALL OF THEM.  Including Disney after the board was ousted the next week.

Well it look he only made 29.7 Billion on an investment of 6.7 billion across 33 films!

Meanwhile this article is placed on a site that covers the whole screen with a newsletter subscription popup and a slideshow system that you can’t navigate out of

The top grossing film of 2023 was Barbie, dude

I just saw a trailer today for a movie about a cat. Will the Wokes never stop? Everyone knows that dogs are the most popular pet, and so nobody could possibly be interested in a movie starring a cat. People go to movies to be entertained, not to be fed some “message” about “diversity”.

He isn’t questioning the logic, he’s just tired of seeing Black people in movies.

“Why do I have to have a Marvel [movie] that’s all women?” Peltz asked the publication. “Not that I have anything against women, but why do I have to do that”

I’m shocked, I tells ya. Shocked!

I am sort of confused by the reactions on here. I am pretty jaded about most modern star wars shows (most stuff outside of the 1st season of The Mandalorian and Andor), but this looks good to me in the trailer.