
I am so glad that half of the show will be dedicated to a new character instead of just exploring the same handful of ones we know. Wish Dave would move on from the Clone Wars era, though.

If you want to do it privately that’s fine, but passing it off as entertainment is gross. I cannot stand all this AI, de-aging, recreation, digital necromancy bullshit.

“The company faced widespread condemnation after users realized the AI seemed hesitant to produce images of white people even with prompts for Nazi soldiers, Vikings, and British kings. Many accused Google of tuning its chatbot to advance a political agenda, the company called the results a mistake.”


If the Improvement District was outright dissolved then the neighboring counties would have to foot the bill. The special district is funded entirely by Disney, they pay for utilities and fire/ambulance service because they are the only residents of the district. This also means they don’t have to go through

Two things: podcast charts are a thing? And people actually care about them?

I don’t think individual states should dictate how websites work. The internet should be freely accessible for all, regardless of location.

So we’re just calling anyone on TikTok an “influencer” now?

Nah, Screams 5 & 6 brought in a lot of fans specifically for Melissa and Jenna’s characters. As a fan of the original series I was also a fan of the two new leads - they did a great job of setting them up to be the anchors of the franchise moving forward. Too bad Spyglass shot themselves in the foot.

Spyglass completely fucked themselves over by firing her, and losing Jenna Ortega was the icing on their shit cake. They also fucked themselves over when they disrespected Neve Campbell by lowballing her when the revival first started. NOW they have to pay a fuckton to get Neve back AND they lost a lot of the audience

The BBC is using AI to recreate voice of the subject of the documentary instead of hiring and actor. You could’ve clearly stated that in your article.

Did Gizmodo get the same edict, but to do 50 tech guides for Boomers per week?

What’s with the sudden uptick of incredibly basic tutorials? Why is this cluttering the site?

considering Disney and Lucasfilm are setting the stage to adapt its events once again”

Was she the person at Yahoo who wanted to turn Tumblr into “the next PDF”?

I think you’re slightly foolish to think it’s your job to reflect society. I don’t think it really is.”

How is it able to capture my phone’s info? And how is that legal?

Wow! This snoke guy is such an intriguing villain, can’t wait to see him develop”

You’re describing the High Republic book series. That’s literally what the books are - well-written saga about new characters in a new era with new villians unconnected to the Skywalker saga.

It’s 100 years before TPM, not 900. The High Republic era of the books is only a couple hundred years before TPM, too.