
Are we positive the trailer is real? It looks like someone whipped it up with a modded version of Spider-Man 2. I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn that the “trailer” is fake, though obviously the idea for the game was real at one point.

Isn’t Tim Burton doing that? With a script by Gillian Flynn?

Like all AI images, these are only good if you glance at them. So, perfect for scrolling through TikTok I guess.

Rumors at the time were that she was saying transphobic things on set, around Pedro, and even after he tried to educate her she just doubled down.

There were also rumors that she was saying transphobic things around Pedro (whose sister is trans). She was warned by her agent and Disney multiple times to stop tweeting and saying stupid shit. She was given three chances to change, and she decided that standing up for her right to be an ignorant moron was more

He was fired from The Witcher for being abusive, and was the person who started the bullshit “The Witcher writers hate the source material” rumor.

Where the hell are you shopping? I just did a quick search on the Safeway app, and I got to $26.93 for fajitas using your list.

What the hell is fake diversity?

You realize that Miles Morales is an incredibly popular character and the star of two incredibly successful films produced by Sony, right? Or are Black characters not allowed to be popular?

The exception to sell makes this whole thing seem like a scheme to force TikTok into becoming an American company.

“Real motorcycle”

Not everything you dislike is AI generated

Is it actually rideable? The wheels don’t look like they move...

No one is forcing you to buy the game. If you don’t like the devs, don’t buy their product. Easy peasy.

Were you, perhaps, dropped on your head as a baby? Why does playing as one of Miles’ friends in an optional side mission cause you to piss your pants and throw a temper tantrum?

What the hell are you talking about? You clearly don’t know what DEI is, you’re just regurgitating the same empty complaints with nothing to back it up.

Gay people, trans people, BIPOC people don’t need to be relevant to the story to exist, you goober. Do you demand the lore and backstory of every non-white, non-cis, non-hetero person you meet?

That’s not what happened. “It’s giving” has been around in queer culture, specifically black queer culture, since the late 70s/80s. It originated in the Ball scene. Check out the documentary “Paris is Burning” if you want to learn more.

“It’s giving” originated in the Ball scene of black queer culture in the 70s, just fyi.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers is Arrow Films (UK) not Arrow Video (US)