
Finally! They’ve been testing that Cheez-It Crunchwrap for a year! It was supposed to come out nation-wide last fall.

I like how confident you are at being wrong. Have you seen him in Fire Island? Or Dicks? Also he’s in the biggest movie musical in decades, Wicked, so I think his career is doing better than yours.

Luckily the player base for this game is going to be way smaller than the Arkham trilogy (I just started a replay of those games, I have no interest in playing Suicide Squad) so that actual ending of that series can stay intact.

I do not want this. I like that Apple didn’t immediately jump on the Algorithm Idiot train, so I hope this will all be optional.

I didn’t get this email, so it must not be rolling out to all subscribers yet. Same with the Netflix crackdown.


I guess you and me are the only two people who liked KH3. I actually started replaying *all* the games from the beginning a couple weeks ago. I’m almost done with KH1 and I’m surprised at how hard its been. How did I beat this game so many times as a kid??

3DS would somewhat reluctantly play DS games”

We have the opportunity to end this stupid experiment with algorithmically-generated images right now. We should take it.

Self-driving cars need to happen all at once. Either every car is self-driven or none of them are. Doing in piece meal will never work.

Are the specs better than the current Switch? Then that’s not underwhelming. People need to stop comparing Nintendo console’s to Playstation/Xbox, they aren’t trying to beat them on a technical level.

I can’t wait for this game’s five minutes of fame to be up.

I didn’t buy a PS5 just for those games... but they are two of my favorite PS5 games.

Maybe they can use that money to make the game not look and sound like a cheap asset flip.

This is very exciting news. I hope more films from 2020/2021 get re-released, especially since there is going to be gaps from the strikes.

Lol, imagine being such a little pissbaby about the sequels 5 years after they ended.

I genuinely think AI will be terrible for humanity and needs to be crushed as soon as possible. This is a real “We have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don’t Create The Torment Nexus” moment.

Lol, no. The prequels are, at best, as good as the sequels.

Actually, what I need is for bloodsucking corporate vampires to not revive long dead artists through this AI-assisted necromancy.

Clicking through this I’m shocked at how many of these I still have in a box in my basement! Ah, the nostalgia. I was six when TPM came out, and while those movies are terrible I still have a soft spot for the prequels.