
Why does the YouTube video get censored right at the moment it goes “off” rails? Kinda defeats the purpose of the video if you can’t actually see it in action.

Slow news day, eh? Sorry you got harassed about that, but I don’t think you needed to issue an apology or anything. The original article is hilarious, but not in a way that mocks you. It feels like you’re in on the joke.

The majority are not close to an hour though. They are closer to 30 min than 60 min.

Lol, are you part of the team that made the video or something? It looks like shit and looks incredibly fake.

Its almost like she’s never seen a tumbleweed before or something

Discount Bruce Campbell? Ex-fucking-scuse you??

Nah, if I can’t play the full game in third person then I’m not interested. Why would anyone want to play an Indiana Jones game in first person?

I hope they do something similar to the first trilogy - it was so cool having them release like that (and my third date with my BF was watching the third film)

Its a shame they ruined it by making it a first-person game. Of all the franchises to make first person why did they choose Indiana Jones? My excitement for this game is dead.

He might not have advocated for genocide but he did sexually abuse several children.

It looks like its suspended from the ceiling, too. The legs are just for show.

Why did they change of the name of the Agatha spin-off? House of Harkness and Coven of Chaos were way better titles!

I really liked She-Hulk 🤷‍♂️

G-1 remakes several scenes from the first Godzilla film which was in black and white. Out of all the films to get de-colorized, this one makes the most sense. Its a phenomenal love letter to the kaiju for his 70th birthday.

Kinda like what Clue did? I’m fully on board.

3.5/5 ain’t bad so far! That’s better than the ones directed by George Lucas himself.

Does that subtract the 1.5 minute recap and 4.5-5 minutes of credits per episode though?

You’re telling me everything in this video looks real and natural to you?

What did he do that was for the greater good? Taking the asteroid to Mars only helps Mars and Dev.

Very few episodes of Mando are close to an hour. Most are 30 min or less.