Craven Simone

You Realize they’re going to tell you you’re contributing to rape culture, right?

Do they also think people break out in song and dance?

Lol. Glad to hear political correctness is more important than your experiences.

omg I was going to say the exact same thing! Porn is sooo bad. These men just think they can kick and slap women because they saw it in a magazine. Don't even get me started, girl.

I'm wondering if they'll allows transgender women, too? Perhaps transgender women that present male?

To be honest, if I was a billionaire, I probably would have had 22 kids rather than getting my a vasectomy in my twenties and having zero.

I missed my period, honey. I've got bigger fish to fry.

Certainly won’t be a long time when continued bombings in Europe allow right-wing politics to gain momentum again, as there are elsewhere in parliaments all throughout Europe, because nothing is being done about this kind of violence.

Okay. So, in your own words, you’re a racist.


They did?

You’re right safe-spaces are bullshit

And you're a sexist. Why do you hate women?

Good idea.

Women have to make choices more choices?

No group of people exists more pragmatic than feminists.

Both and neither. You can have contradictory positions as a feminist and still believe you’re right. In fact, it's expected.

You’re suggesting Muslims are rapists?!

I thought prejudice was a bad thing?

I'm a guy and I love the idea of women being segregated. The more we can become like Saudi Arabia, the better