
You’re not sorry, you’re right though.

I absolutely hate the “Thumb in the pocket” pose. Cringe every time I see it.

I originally felt bad for him, butt now I don't.

They’re in a close race with Ohio for that title.

A single black person as well. So much diversity!

He just wanted us to play a game of "Where’s Waldo?".

I bet a lot of people on Kinja, and the Internet as a whole, know EXACTLY what happened.

You’re incredible.

Hence the name “Aslan”. I hope you are getting this LibraryAnne.

He’s my little lion.

This is Aslan.

Frien-dly? Fran-kly?

I don’t think I’ve ever related to a comment as much as yours.

Thank you, it truly does means a lot to me. That’s a good assignment. I know how hard it can be to keep those condemning thoughts out. We may be similar in that if 99 good things happen, we focus on the 1 bad thing that happens.

Thank you for that. People constantly had to remind me about “we” in there. Think a lot it has to with how self-centered addicts/alcoholics can be.

I’m just gonna look at it as “teenagers doing teenager stuff” and “rich parents defending them".

It made me sad reading it, it was like looking in the mirror.

Thank you. “Pride” has been getting in my way. Hate having to admit that I can’t stay completely sober without AA. I’m a lone wolf as well. Hate having to go in and admit I was wrong. I know they won’t judge me negatively, but I still have that fear.

Absolutely. I’m thankful I’m still alive. The amount of heroine and crack I was using, and really anything I could get my hands on, mixed in with how much I was drinking at the time could have/should have killed me. Even though I still drink, in much smaller amounts, I have to be positive about what I have removed