Drunk Librarian

You seem to think that southerners were all ignorant about these issues, which is demonstrably false. The run-up to the Civil War took 40 years, and included debates over the Kansas-Nebraska Act (which ended the Great Compromise that required every slave state to be admitted alongside a slave state), and the Dred Scot

You just posted a comment suggesting that a women who was brutally murdered by someone using a car as weapon should have learned to stay out of the street.

Tell that to Heather Heyer’s family.

This isn’t about masculinity, it’s about cowardice — no matter how hard those involved try to present it as masculinity. You can package a turd to make it look like something else on the outside, but it’s still a turd.

I rushed Alpha Phi Omega at my university and had no hazing rituals to speak of so this is completely alien to me. But I also have no problem with doing away with the Greek system, either.

As someone currently in the Greek system (who agrees it’s flawed but in a very different way than many people are arguing), this isn’t going to actually solve a problem. Taking fraternities out of the legal sphere doesn’t automatically mean they stop operating. You can kick a fraternity off campus, you can kick it out

Its because it is a cycle. You pledge, get hazed, hate it to pieces, but then you get your letters and then the next pledge class comes around and now you get to be on the other side and get to do the hazing that you yourself were subjected to. It’s wrong, but a lot of people rationalize it that way.

Did you read about the facts in this case? This case is horrific and not remotely some minor hazing or rule breaking incident. I read a detailed description of it year or so ago and it still upsets me. Not saying there’s not probably double-standards a lot of the time, but saying that with regards to this case - in my

Make your cruel joke, and understand that sometimes auto-correct makes fools of us all.

here comes a stream of people saying fraternities and sororities are the root of all evil and need to be exterminated, and also i had a great time in college and didn’t need them, but i guess some people need to buy friends.

Knowledge of marketing has fuck all to do with this dude.

I worked in hotels for years...when in Los Angeles, we had a few terrible incidents that we discovered only by violating the sacred “Do Not Disturb” signs after about 36 hrs..including a man who had died of a heart attack who might have been saved and an injured sexual assault victim huddling in her bed. So there are

Civil war, within the party only guarantees a Trump re-election.

Sigh. Thanks for assuming I’m some white idiot that doesn’t get it. I guess what I was trying to express (and I obviously did a bad job)is that if we stay in this loop where anything that can be construed as racist is assumed to be racist, we can never get to the point where people just see a kid in a shirt.

this country has a history of violence towards African Americans

I can understand that, from the players’ perspective, they only know directly how he’s treated them and can still care about the guy even knowing that he’s treated others unfairly. It’s okay to be conflicted and feel sad about him leaving while being happy that he’s getting justice for the way he’s treated women. But

If my passport actually expires 6 months prior to the expiration date, then the damn thing shouldn’t have an expiration date that is NOT the expiration date.

Well, maybe you learned your lesson, idiot. If you vacationed in AMERICA FIRST you wouldn’t have had this problem.

I sleep in a race car bed.

<<I count the real villain here as Delta Airlines, which asked for my passport number and expiration date when I booked the tickets last summer, but did not provide me with any kind of warning about the three-month rule. It’s not surprising that an airline would hang their customers out to dry in these situations—I