
Tantrum? It was an off the cuff comment when she was asked in an interview. She never even attempted legal action. Hyperbole much?

I usually roll my eyes when ever a video-game to film adaptation is announced but this time it's different. They actually got someone involved with the game to write the script. Plus Raimi is a great film-maker so I'm genuinely excited.

First the planes falling off the sky on weekly basis, then extincted plague returns, now the river runs red... Great scott, the conservatives were right, gays and weed is bring on the apocalypse.

I'm ok with that

So who sponsored those jean shorts?

Did it look back?

You're edgy to the xtreme. I have to know...were you wearing sunglasses and drinking PBR while you typed up that gem?

I don't... I don't see the connection.

Everyone wants a dog.

Dogs are way more expensive and require much more care and attention. This comic is completely invalid.

haha, as if she actually bought photoshop

Clearly this is what pokemon was intended to be from the start. Breeding and torture.

Yeah, I found this weird until I remembered I routinely never touch the single player for some FPSes I play.

I just want to meet this guy. What do you think the odds are he's an 80 pound asthmatic?

I NEED black-female-with-mental-ilness rocks.... Midgets rocks.... ALSO...UGLY ROCKS...Why just beautiful rocks?