
This will probably be my next Nintendo handheld.

BVRAAM is basically an onomotopoeia, right?

got the same feeling watching oculus rift being used to stear tanks from the inside

Nothing drives the advancement of technology like war.

That's probably because it is.

Hack - "to write computer programs for enjoyment" Merriam-Webster

Stop being such a pedant, especially if you're going to be an inaccurate pedant.

What is Downscaling for $500

They would get double the amount probably, at a staggering 4 FPS. :P

Sometimes the rochambeau battles would be epic in my neighborhood. Hours and hours of non-stop scrotal kicking. We were persistent. I think it built character.

At that point, spacetime tears with the searing light of Truth, blinding us all, if we still even have eyes left to see.

You seem fun.

Needs more explosions...that's better.

I'll jump into the fray here:


Why do we need a new space suit when we don't have a space ship and the Russians just told us to "use a trampoline" the next time we want to go to the space station.

So Tron, a sleeping bag, and a fish bowl had a threesome?

I'm betting they just had this big fucker carry them.