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Pretty much. And I don't even generally dislike her character, but that aspect of her just annoys the hell out of me.

Also the article Karen eventually writes is presented as incredibly brilliant and important but is actually pretty poorly written and almost laughably cliched at points.

Anyone else annoyed that the show killed off Ben Urich and then gave Karen a plotline that Ben would have been extremely useful in? I’m still mad the show killed so many of its best supporting characters last season.

I haven’t talked enough about how much I love Eskmo’s score. One of the best parts of the show.

Yeah, Chuck suddenly getting paranoid about what his wife was up to felt very sudden, compared to how their relationship had been portrayed up to that point.

if i woman came up to me and offered sex i'd think that she's either a prostitute or has a couple of men with her that'll follow us to my apartment and murder me.

Being the expert at human interaction that I am, I certainly would have known not to give in to her advances. Obviously it's a trap into sex!

Yup, thought so too. The discrepancy between the headline and the article is quite noticeable. Not the end of the world, but still…

Absolutely agreed.

I have listened to The Rock's score far more than I can count. Zimmer has done some amazing work over the years, but society just has a very short memory it seems.

Amen to episode 3. Fucking awesome!

Indeed it was.

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Yup, that's pretty much my train of thought as well. I suppose we'll never know for sure. Regardless, I'll enjoy while it still lasts.

This makes me hopeful, thanks!

Wohoo, Bbn is back!

Oh, good point about the cost of tattoo removal, completely forgot about that!

Yeah, I'm not getting the feeling that Burton is going around murdering women. And if he were, I somehow doubt he'd pick Rebecca. For all his psychopathic tendencies, he has been shown to be extremely loyal to Proctor over the past three seasons, and although he had his reservations about Rebecca, I think he knows

Yeah, same here. I'm not exactly in the "Curse you, show, you keep fridging your women!" camp, but still, the show is running pretty low on prominent female characters now (if you wanted to be a cynic: less eye candy and less diversity in boobies! If you wanted to be a cynic…). They are adding Dushku to the roster,

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised at how well they did the location switch, and the time jump helped smooth it over quite nicely. Nice work, I'd say.