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I would like to see a show about a team of talented professionals dealing with such a crisis.

I have been using the term commentariat, but I like yours too.

The no nudity thing and the sterilized (mostly) bloodless violence really make network shows seem kinda dull once you've gotten used to stuff like Spartacus, Banshee, Magic City, Outlander and whatever HBO's CEO of Tits and Decapitations is offering at any given time.

So, a Zombie apocalypse show, but with animals instead of walkers?

Funnily enough, I actually wondered whether that rebuttal would be brought up when I typed my comment, and yeah, it's a fair point, but I was too tired to come up with a more precise and accurate version so I just went with it.

Indeed they are, and yeah, that's probably it.

I fail to see why you'd comment on the current episode when you're three seasons behind.

You make a fair point, but I reckon the reviews will stay as long as they generate the required number of hits (or at least I'd guess that's part of it), not necessarily based on whether the reviewer likes the show or not.

With each passing episode this show is rendering House of Cards a veritable documentary.

Funny you should mention that. I've been rewatching the Bond movies lately (haven't gotten to Moonraker, A View to a Kill and License to Kill yet, not sure if I'll also rewatch those, maybe LtK).

He could be Riggs' department shrink!

It can drag a bit on occasion (IMHO at least), but you can always fast-forward through those bits. Season 2 is better paced than season 1 I'd say.

I still thought it dragged a bit on occasion, but definitely far less than season 1, and overall I did enjoy it quite a lot (stealing that Spanish ship in the season premiere, then the flashbacks throughout the season, the mayhem in the finale, those are probably my highlights, or at least the ones I can still recall,

Should be feasible, and if you're confused, you can always read up on the missed plots points on the internet.

As much as the show can drag at times, I did tremendously enjoy the let's steal a Spanish navy ship caper in the season 2 opener, and the mayhem in the season 2 finale, so I am looking forward to what's next.

Oh, and Trump can hire some ninjas and we can have a GOP assassing-ninja battle!

We're working on it, hard!

Oh dear lord, agreed so very fucking much! Please let it be somebody with charisma.

If I remember right, grades aren't supposed to be comparable across different shows.

Oh, yes, that's a great example! She was definitely a believable badass in that (IMHO, at least).