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Fair point, yeah. I didn't mean to imply that I consider PoI's dialogue to be as bad, just that I was reminded of the occasional clunky bits here and there on that show by this.

I'm a moderator (male, late 20s) on a decently-sized tech forum. Most of our members are probably teenaged-early 20s males. I felt like washing my soul in bleach on more than one occasion during the whole gamergate fiasco.

"tumblr gestapo" - must remember that one.

Oh, very good point/distinction, yes. It's less about muscle, more about making the kinetics of the fight believable.

My biggest issue is still, much though I enjoy watching Jamie Alexander, I don't believe her as someone that went through SEAL training. Where's the muscles that go with all the physical training for the marines and the SEALs? They're not necessarily ripped like body builders but they're not actress-thin.

Ah yes, bad dialogue. Reminds me of Person of Interest a bit. I adore that show, but the dialogue is often pretty clunky there too. Although we do at least get the awesomeness of Michael Emerson and his occasional monologues, those I do often rather like, especially when they're underlined with a nice ominous bit of

I may or may not have felt something in my pants at that thought. We will never know, of course, but I just thought I'd mention that hypothetical.

My dad dad has been importing stuff from Italy into Switzerland for about 25 years now, and every time Berlusconi had been elected we'd make a few jokes to our Italian friends about the ridiculousness of the situation. Everyone we met always said they didn't vote for him, but somehow that guy got elected anyway (yeah,

I second that. I was amused.

I've seen some Nova documentaries which were funded by the David. H. Koch Charitable Foundation, and weirdly enough, they seemed to be actually pretty decent and weren't propagating any such nonsense.

I can only speak for myself, but personally I rather prefer to watch my entertainment in its native language (at least in English and French, although in French I usually need subtitles these days as I'm way too rusty to understand things well enough to follow along without subs).

I feel an upvote is not enough to properly appreciate this comment, so here, have a comment too.

After having seen both Bush and Obama in office, I have come up with the hypothesis that the president has a shitload of power to screw things up, but can comparatively easily be prevented from doing much good.

Holy fucking shit that could be epic!

James Spader is indeed fantastic at selling horrible dialogue. My reaction often goes something like this:

On one hand, I can kinda understand that logic. On the other
hand, well, I'll use an example on a referendum from my own country (Switzerland) from last year.

Same for me re: Stapleton. I'm giving Blindspot a chance because I liked him on Strikeback, and Jaimie Alexander ain't too bad to look at IMHO, but reading the reviews, I'm a bit skeptical. Ah well, we shall see.

I must admit I find Blacklist pretty damn stupid, but I just enjoy the shit out of Spader chewing that scenery, so I haven't managed to ditch the show yet. Not sure how long that'll last though.

Thank goodness he didn't try to table a motion.

Fall TV for me starts with Banshee and Person of Interest. So, some time next year it seems.