
The movie is excellent. See it in 70mm if at all possible.

Somebody had to sit on it.

Somebody had to sit on it.

I thought he was trying to say John Goodman looks like Elmer Fudd for some reason.

I thought he was trying to say John Goodman looks like Elmer Fudd for some reason.



Also, how big of a reach does he think Podmass has that people would actually remember a review 5 minutes later? If anything, even a bad review is increasing the podcast's exposure. Are people unsubscribing because one episode gets a poor review?

Also, how big of a reach does he think Podmass has that people would actually remember a review 5 minutes later? If anything, even a bad review is increasing the podcast's exposure. Are people unsubscribing because one episode gets a poor review?

Yeah, that's better. I feel like it would be improved if they looped the waving a few times.

Yeah, that's better. I feel like it would be improved if they looped the waving a few times.

I laughed hardest at the puppet on his dick

I laughed hardest at the puppet on his dick

Let's hypothetically say I bought a 2-day pass, then forgot and bought tickets to see Bob Mould on the 14th. Is there some way I can sell the Friday pass?

Let's hypothetically say I bought a 2-day pass, then forgot and bought tickets to see Bob Mould on the 14th. Is there some way I can sell the Friday pass?

Because Milch killed them all? (I MISS YOU, LUCK)

Because Milch killed them all? (I MISS YOU, LUCK)

Unlike any past or future GnR shows, Axl will show up on time and play a full set with respect and professionalism.

Unlike any past or future GnR shows, Axl will show up on time and play a full set with respect and professionalism.

Why? It wouldn't run into the stopped train, there's signalling for that. They also generally don't run trains at that close of a headway. And if it was moving through at speed, the engineers wouldn't be looking at what's going on below the bridge, if they could even see that angle.