
Because you might already have it. Is it really that hard to just pick up a GAMEware charger for under 10€ or a charger off amazon for less than 5€ if you don't already have one?

They are literally saying "we won't give you this because you probably already have it and that way the console is sold cheaper, if you still

Clearly not a Smash Bros Mario. Side B and reflect that laser, insakill with the amped damage.

22 year old here. My parents also let me play pokemon when it came out on the Gameboy, and I can confirm that playing boosted my reading skills. I got it in english, which is not my first language (I'm a spanish speaker). Within a year I was the equivalent of 3-4 years ahead in english back at school, and I could

So, assuming you are the support chewing out that ADC/Marksman, I also assume you are hitting EVERY slow/stun/knockback/silence/younameit, body blocking every blockable projectile that would otherwise hit your ADC, keeping perfect vision wards around your lane, properly harassing the enemies in lane, engaging

No, he probably means doing something so that people who clearly don't care about a ranked game from a point of a match forward get punished on a by-case basis, instead of until when they have enough reports.

"Sure, it's a massive game and makes massive cash, but in around 2-3 years? "

That's what everyone said when people started pursuing profesional lol careers back in '09. And '10. And '11. And'12. And '13. Not a single time have I been aware of LoL's playerbase shrinking since it ever came out. This game has changed

La gracia es que es un dispositivo que cabe en mi bolsillo y todo el trabajo que comienzo en el lo puedo retomar en cualquier otro sitio (Cthulhu bendiga a Google Docs y Evernote).

Utilizo mi LG G3, el tocho más grande del año pasado sin contar los Note, y lo utilizo en clases de la universidad para grabar la clase mientras tomo notas en el. Tengo toda la agenda de clases con las localizaciones de las aulas en google calendar, hago fotos de la pizarra para guardarlas en evernote, tengo los PDFs

I'm starting to read the light novels, it just seems pretty weird to me considering that everything else seems logical that kirito does not go nuts with this. There must be a reason, I'm guessing it's not said in the anime.

Dont you regret dropping it now we know that the last arc is the best the anime has to offer? Why did you drop it just because of 3 episodes meant to act as a "rest" between two arcs? I'm sure there are other animes you've seen with more episodes that are only meant to give the viewer a rest between arcs.

He doesn't use skill connect vs yuuki because it wouldn't work against a fast user. The point in dual weilding is striking very quickly with both swords, and he specifically explained that even when done correctly there was lag between hits, and a maximum amount of consecutive hits he could do.

> also dropped SAOII when this caliber thing started

1. stop getting useless shit over the course of a month.

Considerando que son 6€ por verla tantas veces como quieras en un plazo determinado de tiempo (eran 2 dias en google play o 1) con el numero de gente que quieras, es una opción mucho más barata que el cine. Por lo menos aqui en barcelona el cine más barato que encuentro es el Punt en Cerdanyola, a 4€ el día del

En serio? es sexista que una mujer planche SU PROPIA JODIDA ROPA?

To be fair, if you don't know how to catch items in midair you are going to get raped in For Glory, since we now have more characters that spawn items (Peach, Bowsy, R.O.B., Pacman, etc.). As it stands now it's even harder on new players vs skilled players since most of us have learned to counter items by now.

El problema es que las demas condenas son demasiado bajas. El mero hecho de que te parezca lógica una condena de 8 años para alguien que ha sido narcotraficante lo demuestra (supongo que para lo de matar esperarás más tiempo de carcel).

>Todos la cagamos, todos tenemos despistes

Te parece mucho 8 años de carcel por joder geoglifos que se han conservado un siglo y medio, hechos durante muchas generaciones? Yo los ponía a todos a REPARAR los geoglifos mientras estan en la carcel, y que no salgan hasta que el daño esté reparado - evidentemente con las mismas herramientas utilizadas para

"Ni lo uno, ni lo otro, Mario Kart 8 es un juego mucho más familiar y casual que TLOU"

Nene... Háztelo mirar. Se juega a nivel muy alto el competitivo de Mario Kart.