
Hello! Chiming in from the future! I am here to remind you that, to this day, nindendo has released 0 games that require you to buy the circle pad pro! You did overreact!

I've had the infinite demo from a while back (yay ninty) and have encountered none of the issues in the post.. I mean, when I'm playing a 4 man game, the last thing I think about is about tilting the circle pad slowly to jump, I usually want to jump instantly and as fast as possible, and my movement reflects that.

La noción de que el aluminio es un metal "debil" es incorrecta. Primero: el aluminio utilizado actualmente siempre es una aleación. Hay diferentes grados de aleaciones, algunos tan fuertes que se utilizan en aviones por su ligereza (7000+), y otros tan debiles y maleables que son perfectos para proyectos puramente

Just look for people who stop playing once they hit 20. Or people logging in at the last days of the month to play ranked until they hit 20. It's easy.

Or just suck. I've spent 0€ on this game, and I've gotten ranks 5-2 consistently since season 2. Can't get further up because my main class is shaman, and it's very hard to put up with all the last "OP" decks with a shaman consistently enough to get legend. I'm sure if I keep on practicing I can get legend even with

Well, can't really just say damm apple on this one. Just got an LG G3 and my hand ends up covering the damm speaker 90% of the time in landscape. What good is a damm 1W speaker if it's covered up? You had 1 job with the speaker placement, LG, 1 job.

Considering you still have your old console it will be a relatively easy task, call nintendo support explaining your situation, they will tell you one of either 2 things (source: I worked for Spain's Nintendo Support technical line this summer):

I don't want to sound like an asshole, but that is just the game failing to communicate a major fight. Any game is hard if they make harder than normal enemies spawn behind closed doors in points where players are unlikely to come prepared. A hard game, IMO, is one that perfectly communicates this instances and puts

They are very famous, but in the equivalent of a boys band like nsync and backstreet boys. Males lose their shit over their major kawaii-factor, and girls like the choreographies of their videos.

Es realmente una pena que los oceanos no sean comparables a un vaso con agua, porque de ser así, tu comentario sería extremadamente relevante al artículo. Una analogía más correcta sería un plato de comida con "islotes" de comida de alturas varias (suponiendo comida que no absorbe agua, ni es porosa), algunos bastante

También se ha vivido sin electricidad, sanidad, transporte y otras cosas, y de hecho mucha gente vive bien y mucho así hoy dia, pero no por eso vamos a rechazar el progreso, no?
"llevar un callejero en el coche" Yo vivo en las afueras de barcelona. En la semana me muevo a Bellaterra (para ir a la universidad),

Evidentemente, se pierde el "no se que" que lo haga el actor original, con sus espontaneidades. Pero tampoco se dejará de hacer la pelicula que completa una saga, menos aún cuando Seymour ya ha grabado muchas de las escenas de esta última entrega.

Evidentemente, se pierde el "no se que" que lo haga el actor original, con sus espontaneidades. Pero tampoco se dejará de hacer la pelicula que completa una saga, menos aún cuando Seymour ya ha grabado muchas de las escenas de esta última entrega.

Tampoco es plan de convencerte, si tu no lo ves útil, es cosa tuya. A mi, personalmente, me es bastante útil. No siempre tengo acceso a un ordenador antes de salir en coche. No pienso gastarme una burrada imprimiendo la cantidad de mapas que utilizaría si tuviera que imprimir mapa cada vez que voy a un sitio nuevo. No

Que tan tienen que ser nuestras izquierdas como para considerar al PP actual de izquierdas?

You mean like any other shadow/arena trapper out there? Phase him out, u-turn, volt switch out. Many things you can do vs perish song + trap, something that existed before m-gengar.

Terminar la tercera película de la saga de los juegos del hambre la cual no puede grabar porque está ya muerto? Me parece una cuestión bastante lógica.

Except it's not luck, it's a held item. Focus sash makes you survive any OHKO with 1 HP. level 1 machop @focus sash vs attack forme deoxys level 100 252EVs in attack+31IV attack psycho cut? machop gets 1 hp.
The fact that that magikarp outsped every mon on the enemy team is pretty sad, and the fact that he did not have

Sure, I may not be representative of the wii U part of the market, but have you seen 3DS sales?

Metroid PvP, for example. The upcoming hyrule warriors.