
This comment has to be some sort of joke, right? please tell me it is. Otherwise, I would not understand why would you be so dumb as to suggest the long-term alternative of postal service vs the instantaneous swapnote service but still able to log into a news site and comment it.
You can draw on the 3DS' screen, attach

I just don't understand these kind of comments. Have you ever heard about target markets? You are very surely not the target market for this device, move on. You may care for internet for downloading games or multiplayer, but many, many people do not. It's a 99 bucks nintendo box that plays the gargantuan Wii games

A piece of news made it recently that reinforces my point: prision is a bad place to place "bad" people and expect them to have a change of heart before spitting them back at society - wasted money.

Clean the 3ds xl's gold contacts with a q-tip and alcohol. It should insta-charge when you put it in, it's a matter of dirty contacts. I got one, and my brother's brand new 1 week old XL charges as soon as you put it in, my release date XL did not before I cleaned the contacts.

Luigi's mansion is out for the 3DS, and this is definitely not a doomed console.

Except a good chunk of tax money goes "helping" criminals that will never reform.

"se puede desinflar en cualquier momento"
-Todo el mundo del criticismo económico desde que Jobs regresó a Apple acerca del stock de Apple

Aún siguiendo tu consejo insípido, regurgitado, y sin base de experiencia propia (evidentemente), esto NO es fragmentación. Apple, en el caso que todo lo que digas es cierto, solo ha de sacar una acutalizacion que mejore la calidad de bateria de dispositivos anteriores, cosa que hacen en cada release mayor un par de

iPad all the way. There is nothing that really pulls anyone towards the surface unless you want/need the digitizer. iPad has much more battery time, more apps (and quality ones). Not to mention the surface pro is the one that is worth it, which is much more expensive than the iPad. 3 months ago I got a 32GB 3G iPad on

Xperia SP owner here, previous owner of samsung galaxy s2, current owner of this year's iPad. I just wish i had waited for the 5C/S release so I could have gotten an iPhone instead. Android sucks balls, companies never support your device, you wait ages for simple firmware updates, build quality is horrendous for the

That's the good thing about pokemon, no one forces you to buy both versions, ever. Maybe in the GB/GBA days, where there was no GTS (global trading), and you may or may not have many friends with the game. It is also a way to get your friends to get the game.

Sure, I'll take the bait. Different versions are meant to encourage trading between people. It has been this way since gen1. You get red, a friend gets blue, you guys trade exclusives. Other than that, it's absolutely the same game with the main story's legendaries switching places according to your version. Black and

I don't understand how people still keep saying nintendo will die even after so many times they have pulled through their "failures" either normally or with huge sales.
n64: "they still use cartridges? DOOMED!", nintendo pulls through with huge sales
Gamecube: "mini DV? DOOMED", nintendo pulls through with enough profits

This is more or less my opinion too. I own a 3DS and a 4th gen iPad. I've played your mentioned games on the iPad, but my concern is always the same: the controls. I've played many shooters on touchscreens, but the only one with acceptable controls to me is shadowrun. And by acceptable I mean I don't get frustrated

Have you even bothered to read the devs statements and my comment? They have been practically working for free, for a paycheck the level of a mcdonald's employee or less. They didn't get paid practically nothing for the game originally, and for them to actually start developing again they'd have to pay even more. They

They basically did the last work on skullgirls for free. The studio gives them 0$ for their work since they are in a lawsuit unrelated to the Skullgirl franchise. 150k is actually very cheap for a new character in a fighting game, devs from other fighting games have confirmed it.

It causes distortion if the sound is poorly "braided". Try it, if you have a DS and a pokemon game they have a mono audio option. I swear I can't hear the difference. I was born too into the mono era, although near it's end. I have never been able to tell the difference between mono and stereo on closely placed

implying you can tell stereo in such a small device. Hell, it's even hard enough to tell stereo on 5 inch apart speakers, impossible on the 3DS XL, I can't imagine how would it be with such a small separation. I'm 100% sure unless you are some sort of audition prodigy, I could switch up your 3DS XL speakers from left

Please. Are you really telling me you notice stereo on your 3DS? I have an XL and have never, ever in my life, noticed stereo channels with the speakers. Hell, not even the separation of the iPad mini's speakers give out a real stereo sound for practical purposes. You could literally switch the left and right speaker

I would even say it's way past DQ now.