
Dudo que tengas acceso a un ordenador con conexion a internet dentro de un metro para saber en que linea hacer trasbordo si hay bloqueo de lineas, enmedio de una carretera sin mapeo en los servicios de GPS para saber números de teléfono de interes, o cuando sales con tu pareja/amigos para saber que locales hay

Otra vez los extremistas. Esto es igual que la gente que dice "eso de los ordenadores es malo, yo no los uso!". Es una sandez como una casa. Puedes tener un smartphone sin estar con el en la cara todo el día. Tu mismo te lo pierdes no teniendolo, la de veces que he necesitado saber horarios de tren para saber si me

not a fanboy by any means. when I get a product from a company and it has a good usefull life, I get more products from the same company. That doesn't stop me from getting products from others, though. My keyboard is a Steelseries Apex. My mousepad is a Steelseries 4HD. I just find it strange how everyone seems to be

Wait, what? Flimsy and frail? I have an almost 3 years old Razer Naga, and I've never had one issue with it. I mean, everytime I see someone complain about how Razer products break, I just think they are paid trolls to misinformate about razer. I have a pair of 3 year old carcharias too, a razer ferox,and an onza TE

mega ampharos is such a sexy beast.

What? I've had both, the 3DS and the XL (carried on embassador program to my XL). I've yet to run in with battery issues on my daily 4h train commute to college, much less when I'm in a car on a family trip, with readily available car chargers.

21 year old chiming in here. Yeah, the games are fun, let's just say I work at a games retailer and I've "checked in to see if the shipments where good". I'll surely get all available figures for this with my good-employee in-store credits this month. You can use all figures in the toy box mode, so no excuses on

Esto es el resultado de una encuesta de satisfaccion de los consumidores. A quien demonios le importa quien tiene más cores en el procesador o una gráfica dedicada en el mobil, si lo que importa es si te gusta o no la interfaz de usuario y la usabilidad? Todo esto lo digo teniendo un Xperia SP, no soy ningún fanboy de

Except it is not like this, at all. None of the devs will ever get a cent of what you payed gamestop for the overpriced new "used" copy of xenoblade. Why? "USED", that's why. You see, when gamestop puts the used tag on an item it is not only no longer legally obliged to adhere to the accorded retail price, but it also

I don't get how there exists this false assumption made on your last sentence. You are not making anyone lose out on any potential sale when you pirate a foreign game. Just none. Unless you buy the game and console from the manufacturer, the developers won't get to see a dime from that sale, as all importers sell them

It's not about selling at a price you don't like. It's about scamming costumers. I've seen these "used" xenoblade copies. They are absolutely new. Unused club nintendo code, the manuals are untouched, the disc is flawless. Only without the shrink wrap so Gamestop can sell them over the retail price.

3DS is really good right now. Excelent games out now, excelent content in the pipeline. Makes me kinda sad how "hardcore gamers" dismiss everything that does not have 1337 graphix and are losing out on the best nintendo handheld to date.

I mean, yeah, of course. It is nice to have those. But I rather have a great game with an art style that fits lower graphics specs, than a game with killer graphics and a mediocre gameplay experience. Think bioshock infinite. Great graphics, no doubt. Gameplay is severely lacking and repetitive. Then think Zelda wind

You are an evil, evil person. You deserve hours of ressetti, young man.

NEVER sell nintendo consoles! They are the best bet every generation, hands down. I've since sold my PS3 to get more games for my 3DS, I love supporting great companies that actually make games and spend their budgets on gameplay and storytelling in lieu of graphics. My recommendations: Fire emblem awakening, monster

This is exactly it. Why would anyone ever buy launch ps3/ 360 was out of my mind. What good exclusives do they have besides god of war and little big planet (dunno any good exclusive from the 360) that I can't get an equivalent on my pc? Nintendo has always had the highest quality games. As in better GAMES, not

Same story with Nintento every console release. Everyone calls apocalipse upon the company. Look at how 3ds is doing after its initial shitstorm. Just wait until the heavy 1st party titles come out for the Wii U, by the time sony's and ms' 600€ consoles come out, the much more affordable, backwards compatible and with

I have the luck to own both the Wii and the PS3. I have a fairly large collection of games on both. My favorite? Wii, without a doubt. You just can't compete with the quality of games made for it. I want to play games. I don't want 3/4ths of a game's budget to be dedicated on modeling how the main character's eyebrows

1. highly unlikely to get a redemtion code as a particular person. Imagine when M$ pulls the plug on the servers. You'll have a beautiful paperweight. If I wanted to rely on a company to keep its servers on I'd rely on steam, at least they do killer offers and my 1000€ library i have actually paid much, much less for

Why would you ever get the One when you can get all of this on a PC, but better? There is nothing new with the One, microsoft exclusives are really only shooters, and you can buy stuff from steam without being fucked over in case servers go down, no need of daily verification. You have reliable internet connection.