
With books vs. e-books, there seems to be a “barrier of entry” in having to buy a device to read a book in the first place versus, say, getting a book from your public library.

To be fair re: record snobs, the qualities are not intangible. Listen to a vinyl and mp3 copy of the same recording - if you’re paying attention you can hear the difference.

Life is like a box of chocolates...

I know Jamarcus was a QB, so pitcher makes sense, but I’d love to see him as a catcher, just to see what happens when he tries to throw out a runner attempting to steal second base.

And I always thought that pronouncing it “gif” was wiser because you need to reserve the “jif” sound in case there’s ever a Japanese Image Font or Journalistic Integrity Format file type.

Maybe Ted Cruz’s simpering cold-sports-takes should replace Emmett Smith in Drew’s Funbag.

My wife is an m&m’s and popcorn junkie. I told her once that she should try it with m&m’s with peanuts and she gave me an eat-shit look.

The wisdom of crowds is REAL, mahhhn.

Viva Testicle Tech!

I saw that BC vs. WF game. Broo-tal.

Dude, I’ll take lamb-log tacos, authentic tacos, taco bell, i doan kurr...

If I ever run for president taco trucks will be my platform. And I will also bring back the taco bar at every high school in the U.S.

gunt hoisting? glorious...

Reminds me of my friend Boyd’s KY Derby Meat Cake. Bacon grass, sausage horse, boiled egg sun... Jesus that thing was salty.

Had no idea that you used Word docs like the rest of us. I assumed that with mighty kinja there was a back-end system to replace that need.

So i got confused there for a sec when I saw the phrase “nutjob doctor”. As far as I know, there is no medical degree granted for teabagging just yet. But be patient my friends...

Businessman in a bib for the win.

Oh man, nothing’s topping MechaGoatse.


You’ve put a lot of thought into this, so I’ll go ahead and give your response 5 stars and an A+