
“Hi, I’m a well-known celebrity with too much money. I don’t understand the first thing about technology, but I was approached by some shady Silicon Valley tech bros with a pyramid-shaped business strategy, who said they could triple my money if I endorse and help finance their sketchy business.”

Look, I like Dave Grohl as much as the next guy...

That’s it. That’s all I had to say. I just wanted you guys to know I like Dave Grohl. 

If you take financial advise and crypto recommendations from Kim Kardashian and Floyd Mayweather, you pretty much deserve to lose your money. 

Cool, we’re now only halfway to creating Manbearpig!

Duh. In addition to The Witcher you can now play Carmageddon from inside your Tesla!

Waiting for Teslastans to say. “The Tesla is so smart it knows that’s a fake child. That is why it didn’t stop!”

Truthfully, I’d use that to move it to the backseats where my kids would have to deal with it. 

I’m honestly surprised it took them a full 4 hours to leave the scene, get back to the station, change back into their uniforms and drive back to the house they just shot at.

Slowly but surely Gary Larson’s prophecies are coming to pass. 

Yeah, this pretty much sums up America:

Well duh. How did you think this was going to end? Us plebes get justice? That’s just crazy commienessm!

Just in time for New Years, Matrix: Resolutions

Oh, the Riddler is just doing a substitution cypher.

I use 3fa, in which the third f is me driving to the server farm and telling the security guard that I’m about to log into my account. 

Someone put out an APB on Peggy Hill.

Holy fuck, Arkham City is 10 years old!?!?  (Yes.)

2010 Jalopnik Batshit Babe Contestnants.

Time would have been better spent if she had touched up the roots of the hair on her head.

Allow me.