
While it's true that there were "30 triple-digit temperature days in North Texas last summer" that sure is a strange way to put it considering there were actually 71 triple-digit days in Dallas.

I can't wait for the Poynter review to do their ESPN Ombudsmanning. Although I bet I know how it ends: "ESPN made some mistakes and needs to do a better job in the future." I do miss the days of the kick ass and take names ombudsman.

Have there been any big changes to Weatherwise recently? Or is it basically the same app it's been for a long time?

Yeah, it's a great museum and my favorite part was always the mothership and drone.

Came here to post this. I read the book about 4 or 5 years ago and it's really good.

Yeah, when I spent about 10 weeks working in Germany (with a week in the middle of that spent back in the US) I lost weight even though I was probably eating less healthily than normal and was drinking more alcohol than normal. I was just walking way more than normal.

The CyanogenMod 9 nightlies are actually available for the Galaxy Nexus now.

It looks like it's Poweramp.

If the Hack Pro is your most powerful machine why do you use the Hack Mini for CPU?

If you write an article on a technology site that has a definition/explanation as terrible as this one being accused of "pulling crap out of your arse" is a pretty mild punishment.

The bodies are about the same size, but the micro 4/3 cameras have smaller lenses so the overall package is smaller. There is also a wider selection of native lenses for the micro 4/3 cameras.

All true. My point was more about the fact that one of the benefits of the Globalhawk based BAMS was supposed to be cost savings from being built alongside the regular Globalhawk. Also, Globalhawk was a necessity because the U-2 was being phased out ;)

It will be interesting to see what happens to the Navy's BAMS program. So much for commonality across branches.

I had one of the red LED Midnight Managers and really liked it until I lost it. Now I use one of the Victorinox moneyclips which isn't quite as versatile but is really all I need on an everyday basis.

This is what's wrong with America. We build bridges across our rivers and miss out on making cool videos like this.

I wish I could take any credit for it but I can't.

What does pro have to do with these cameras though? Can't we just stick with Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens (EVIL)?

If it's like years past it's basically a 2WD trophy truck with body panels to make it look like an H3 instead of body panels to make it look like a pickup.

Well, right now Verizon is giving new plans twice the data so 4GB instead of 2GB. My 3G plan had unlimited data so my 4G does too which is nice. However I haven't found myself downloading that much more than I did with my old Droid. It's just that when I do it's a much better experience.

Since when are KC-135s massive? Especially massive enough to warrant italics?