
You can just change a registry entry to allow higher than native resolutions to be run and use a netbook that way. I've been doing that since the Developer Preview was released.

Actual Merry Pranksters are disappointed in the lack of LSD and buses on this list.

I love how this phone has been both praised and criticized for the size of the bezel.

From the Car magazine first drive, "...but that doesn’t undo the underlying fact that this is a great car, and one that trounces its closest rival, the Mazda MX-5, in the fun stakes."

If you don't like the normal Subaru sound I'm guessing those stainless headers were equal length. They definitely change the sound.

Considering that this car is "mechanicals by Subaru" that setup should be what everyone expected.

Considering that the 6.4L swap alone is $28k I thing you're underestimating the cost.

I think the Car magazine first drive is a lot more interesting than these pictures.

I love the proclamations that Gizmodo makes about cameras before they've been used. Because the image quality, interface, and performance don't mean a thing.

Use non-direct heat. Like an oven.

Will this work with XP too? I have an old netbook I'd like to try this on but don't want to wipe everything. It already has a second partition from when I ran the Windows 7 release candidates on it so that's not an issue.

I think it's mostly the fact that some people aren't bothered by the pentile screens while other people absolutely hate them.

I thought you were referring to the Alpha series cameras as I didn't see the NEX called a dSLR.

It's not an SLR. It's an SLT. It has a mirror but the mirror is translucent.

Yeah, I'm not sure that pre-amps and DACs really fall under the amp category. Also, since when do the late 90s count as vintage?

Uhm because Regal and Loews don't pick up small documentaries.

Some of the rumors are that this phone will launch on Verizon.

I like Droid48 as a calculator as it emulates the HP48G. You can even load programs written for the 48G.

There might not be LTE coverage in West Virginia but there is data coverage there. At least there was a couple of months ago.

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Nike thinks that Under Armour is a bit late with their revolution.