A lively no-holds-barred trio who, weekly, give advice and promote discussion on the social impact of video games, the movie industry, and sexuality.
A lively no-holds-barred trio who, weekly, give advice and promote discussion on the social impact of video games, the movie industry, and sexuality.
You're adorable.
Funny, and here I am thinking I watched it out of ordinary human curiosity, and not some rather insulting, arbitrary stereotype based on where I live.
Oh, wait, FRIEND Stalker, not Night Stalker. Nevermind.
Hyperbole: it's the hip, cool thing that gets you more clicks on your article.
Way to be a gentleman, Mario.
That was really fun.
Unfortunately, the editorializing at the end ruined it. You'd think guns were being held to peoples heads to watch unboxing videos. Here's an incredible internet super-move: just don't click play on the fucking things. Crisis averted.
Well, I mean, you did originally express your opinion in such a way that pretty much invited a knee-jerk response. ;)
This other comment, however, is much more insightful and actually gave me some things to consider about how Rose may have changed between Nine and Ten. Most of the reasons I like her are tied to her…
I recognized that no amount of discussion on the finer details of this particular topic will change either of our opinions, so it's better to just have fun with it. ;D
Reflection of the car on the paint as it rolls past.
Pretty sure I saw someone post the entire script to Braveheart, too. Oy.
Just bump up the font size?
Enjoy my delicious totalitarianism, motherfuckers.
Make way, make way, piss coming through!
So, we'll just throw a thong on an old Vectrex.
In no way does that mean the responsibility should fall to Nintendo.
Are you fucking serious? SwapNote was a rather nice little piece of software. Seriously, Nintendo, stop worrying about what the fringe is doing and let parents do their jobs.