
Gamers have been fighting over whose box is better for the last 20 years. “Genesis does what NintenDON’T” .

Looks like a “Logo” that’s much more pleasing to look at. My first programming experience at around 7 years old, in the early ‘80s on an Apple II.

I have no stake in AirBnB. I’ve used it a few times, but I usually sleep at hotels.

Isn’t “supply & demand” precisely what auctions are?

If what you’re selling is unique, how would you know its market value without an auction?

I don’t know anything about economic theories, but it always felt to me that the truest, most precise value of a thing is equal to the second highest bidder plus 1 penny. This article seems to confirm that for me.

Our understanding of the evidence shifted, changed, and evolved. In other words, we didn’t know as much as we thought we knew.

I’m confused by the Target deal on the Nest. The website says the deal is for online order only. But when trying to add it to my cart, it says it’s not available online, only in-store purchase.

I’m confused by the Target deal on the Nest. The website says the deal is for online order only. But when trying to