
Kutcher is far from dumb he had a full ride to the university of Iowa for biochemical engineering before he lost it for breaking into his school to steal computers to sell for money for his brothers rising health insurance bills…still went still majored in biochemical engineering…not dumb…also google Ashton Kutcher

Especially since it seems that it is a reopened case (these cases are from 2001 and 2004 and were closed I'm not quite sure why they were reopened)

I didn't hear anything about seeing chic showing up in this show but who knows…anything can happen!!

Honestly it depended on which comic some she was a year older others it was four…here they obviously went with a year

I like it!

Amy states david was not allowed to come home for their father's funeral when talking to his doctor in an earlier episode…

I used the word feel there…

But in the end he winds up the Valerie anyway

I feel like the reviewer has never read the comics…the old or the new and doesn't realize that in the comics Archie is often an idiot and his friends treat him as such…also I hope when Hiram lodge eventually shows up he gets into it with Archie as often as possible

Those rags are from forever 21… nobody's budget is being blown…these teens actually dress like teens

Jughead is narrating

In the comics Polly is a year older than Betty… so she is either 16 or 17 in the show

In the comics one year older

Betty, get your shoes off the damn bed!

This wasn't David's memory it was Amy heller's diatribe…

Drones amazon drones…magicians seem unable to control the internet or even know what it is…

Have these people not heard of Carboprost this show takes place in New York these girls can buy it on the internet…no need for magic abortions or wire hangers, idiots!

Syd is the worst…don't scan him he's just a poor helpless puppy dog

I agree…but none of the financials were written down and neither women were fulfilling their duties…if I don't do my job I don't expect to get paid…it just seems absurd

It also seems like the employee Langdon is the one who should have been sued but since it was casey's production that wasn't the case.