
I have read them several times cause I'm sick stuck in hospital waiting rooms and I think people are insane…i want to find the legal documents listing the behavior of white which was on the extremely insane…Casey affleck is not Nate Parker, roman Polanski, or Tu-PAC (seriously people he was a rapist the guy went to

It wasn't even her hotel room it was Phoenix's house…it sucks to say but legally he could lock her out if he wanted to and if I'm wrong and it was a Hotel room but it wa paid for by his production company he could still legally lock her out..(I read the case file a while back I don't remember specific detail)

Tu-PAC went to jail for rape at the height of his career and nobody cares MJ fiddled with little boys and we hold him up as a god…people are hypocrites

Please read the case file I'm tired and I don't want to type everything out…
1 there is the fact that the movie that everyone was working on at the time was one big performance piece…see Phoenix's letterman interview 2 one of the women involved repeatedly attempted to extort money from affleck throughout production by

He was a minor…

Buzzeed is wrong not the first time pease look up Sharon stone wore a white gap button down to the oscars in 1998 it was a very big deal…I work in design and fashion…this is a known thing…
Sources… I do not think the oscar website nor NBC would both be wrong I see post 2013 when the article on buzzfeed was published

Wrong year it was 98 and it was a white button down white gap shirt…journalist got journal…what's up with that?

Errr…I believe there was never a clear story of if there was an envelope or not Sharon said there was one in one interview (but who knows with her there might have been an envelope just like she was a member of Mensa)…
jones said there was not one…
A quick google search brings up several stories on the topic…

Oh oooh ohhh you are so very wrong with your 89 years bullshit! Sharon stone was given the wrong envelope several years back but noticed the mistake and never blurted anything out to the audience in attendance…she just improvised till the situation was managed…

You know why shit is off in riverdale…because of witches…Jason is coming back YA'LL as a ZOMBIE!
Thanks Sabrina! Thanks a loooot!
Also Polly is preggers…
stop closing our planned parenthoods and this all could have been avoided…

Taboo has been picked up for a 2nd season reviewer! Where have you been?!?

holy molly i thought you were joshing 'round! charged with three counts of lewd acts upon a child younger than 14!!!


Came here to say the same thing…also Constance Wu is a reactionary hypocrite who has replaced spike lee as the new twitter rabble rouser…

you, are very correct my name is just strange stateside…and like the Priyanka Chopras and thandie newtons in their fantasy worlds i tend to get paired off with the bright white hopes of the east coast and hilariousness ensues…

Haaaaaa…I look like the daughter of Shohreh Aghdashloo and Richard Anconina and from walking around Princeton in my teenage years after graduating high school post 9/11 I've definitely done more than just turning heads…for 16 years now I don't know how to get through airport security without getting pulled out of

@first aight I thought it was gonna be a surprise bad boys 3 I was super hyped…then I was all like wut…IMDb'd saw screen writer then was all like hell naw