Dr. Batman

Brady’s suspension is bad for football and sets a ridiculous precedent. It’s not Brady v. Goodell here, it’s Goodell v. the Players. You could very well consider it Goodell v. EVERYONE ELSE when you take into consideration the absurd penalty the Pats received that Kraft inexplicably accepted.

A whiteness of teenage girls ordering frappuccinos.

No. If there’s been a serious issue with service (unsanitary plate handling, really inappropriate language, server just seems not to know what the hell he/she’s doing), talk to a manager. It’s their job to decide if the server just needs more training, a come-to-Jesus talk, or a firing.

I would NEVER think of using Open Table this way. I use it when I need to book a reservation AHEAD OF TIME for a few people for a work dinner thing. (It is great to have the electronic confirmation to send to those attending) But I would never use Open Table while at the restaurant in order to prove the server wrong

This comment is everything wrong with America.

DUDE. YES. Came here to say basically the same thing.

For some reason I kept reading “Ferrari Guy” as “Guy Fieri.”

The thing is that you can’t pull the “advanced race threatens us with imminent destruction” trope out of your hat every season without it getting generic and stale. The Borg cliffhanger at the end of season 6 didn’t pack the same punch. On the other hand, the Klingon civil war/Tasha Yar cliffhanger at the end of


You’re not giving fair consideration to the Chads of the world.

Sometimes it’s a lot of work to go back and fix typos, especially if you’re typing from your phone.
I agree that there are high and low quality beers, but if we’re comparing based strictly on type and they’re of the same respective quality, I still prefer pretty much all beer to wit beers. Like I will drink wit beers

Jackass. Honestly, you’re the kind of person who thinks he has lots of friends but somehow always finds himself alone at the bar.

I think it depends on where you are in both continents. I’d take the food in New Orleans than the food in the UK (for example) pretty much across the board, but I’d take most of Continental Europe over most of the Midwest just as easily.

I’m going to pull this comment out of the grays specifically so we can all laugh at how stupid it is.

This is the perfect metaphor for my life.

“That asbestos didn’t give you cancer, you gave yourself cancer by breathing in all that asbestos.”

Semantics! Yay!

Oh snap! You really showed him...

Hating on IPAs is getting way more boring than the opposite. There’s fuckloads of awesome IPAs all around and they’ve gotten lots of breweries to try hoppier versions of other kinds of beers.