Dr. Batman

For me, it had to be Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It helped me connect with lifelong friends, it taught me to question a lot of the things I’d always assumed about the world around me, and it gave me a richer, deeper appreciation of the written word, especially satire. As a bonus, it helped me

Me guessing your password to illegally access your email account vs me using password cracking software to illegally access your email account is the same thing. Illegal. One makes you look like a fucking moron moreso than the other, but both are illegal.

No one should ever be subjected to my toenails. I think requesting a pedicure from another human being would constitute a war crime on my part.

Feels like a nice time to use the best stock photo ever.

I’m sure that it’s just a big misunderstanding. Jesus probably just wanted access to some of the Astros’ proprietary religious player data and asked his duly designated representatives on Earth, the St. Louis Cardinals organization, to take care of getting it for Him. Jesus could never want the Cards to do anything

I’m a total bitchbaby about confrontation. But, in one case I actually did just that, although it was even more extreme than what you’re suggesting.

Keep putting words in my mouth, and then reacting as though I had actually said them...excellent Kinja technique.

They weren’t bad, just... overexcite-able maybe? It helped that it was a Rainforest Cafe, so they were SUPER looking forward to going there and then forced to leave because they weren’t listening. But I figure it was the fact that I followed through with a threat that forced them to realize they should probably listen

My grandmother has started being very picky, last few months we end up sending the first thing back and having to order something else for her. She doesn’t speak english so the staff doesn’t hear everything she says which is good, lol. But I am not going to stop taking her out, I am just going to take her to the only

I’ve got a friend who I like a lot, who’s a wonderful, sweet, caring human being who’s a delight to be around, and I almost never see him anymore because it would involve going to a restaurant with his horrible, horrible wife, who I’m not overly fond of in general, but who is an absolute nightmare at restaurants.

That's totally fair and definitely what I would do, but from a purely numbers game, I don't think this guy was terrible.

I didn’t have to confront her myself, but I did start refusing dinner invitations that involved my ex’s boss. She was the sort of person who thought sending things back to the kitchen made her seem sophisticated. I could no longer afford having a folded $20 in my hand each time to slip to the server for dealing with

Kind of... and I say kind of because I had this discussion with a good friend of mine because her children, not her, was hell-on-wheels for a while.

I’m definitely in the “it’s not okay” camp. If you’re leaving trash on the floor after a movie, then it takes that much longer to clean up/turn the theater over for the next showing. I never understand people that do this, since it’s not really that hard to take your trash to the back of the room when exiting. On

Legally they are allowed to hire based on attractiveness. Legally they are not allowed to fire people for not wearing high heels even if they have a doctor’s note. It’s pretty simple.

Yeah, you can take your oppression Olympics right the fuck on out of here, thanks.

I will never understand the name Boston Pizza. I rep my hometown pretty hard but we do not have good pizza.

Sadly, given the subject matter she’s protesting over, she may very well be liberal. So it’s equally likely she’ll end up writing for Gawker and Jezebel about how awful Game of Thrones is for their graphic depictions of violence and rape.

Ignorance does not always follow party lines. Extreme individuals on both sides

Actually, most of you do. The few of you who don’t perplex me because I don’t understand why you keep watching and voting for crazy opinions you claim not to agree with.