Dr. Batman

Wow. I look forward to Gawker and Jezebel tearing apart her future career with the GOP and then Fox Fucking News.

There is something truly evil about book banning. It’s selfish, controlling and obscene as far as I’m concerned. It’s the battlefield of small minded pearl clutchers who should be soundly ignored instead of catered to. If you don’t like a book? Don’t read it. Don’t you dare try and remove it from others to read.

It talks? No thanks, then.

There was no yes option, so I’m just gonna mash my junk against the monitor.

I’m on record as stating that I’ll eat insects a) if they taste OK, and b) if they do not look in any way like insects.

I thought it was canon that Gendry made it to the inn that Hot Pie is a baker at and now they opened up their own small blacksmith/bakery shop. But what’s this? A baby at the doorstep! Oh no, how will these two ever hope to raise a baby while paying rent to their crotchety, but lovable landlord!

Sure there’s nothing particularly wrong with “quadcopter” (Ok, it is a little awkward), but it doesn’t matter. Language moves as it does, not how some engineering professor at the University of Pennsylvania, or any other person railing against some change, wishes it to move.

There’s nothing wrong with quadcopter. It is descriptive and has a known definition, it doesn’t have to be technically correct.

Why is Hollywood always lammed when it get science (to be precise, physics, chemistry,and biology mostly), but rarely for the other millions of things they get wrong about history, geography, bureaucracy, medicine, culture, religion, etc. Like, for example, priests nowadays don’t go around in the shirt and collar in

“All that said, ironically the collective over reaction to his comment is more damaging to women currently or dreaming to work in the sciences than his actual comment ever could have been by a factor of many.”

I totally agree with you about the criticism of his looks. It’s mean-spirited, unnecessary, and doesn’t add anything to the conversation.

I hope somebody is nice enough to stop by and let me know why I shouldn’t be excited by this. Ideally this hypothetical person would take the time to point out why this win is not only meaningless, but would explain to me why American soccer will never catch on.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Blatter.

Classist? Have you even heard/seen him? He basically gives a verbal enema to those with unfettered and corrupted power and wealth every chance he gets. If that’s classist, then I guess anybody who cares about how much they’re getting screwed on all sides are classist.

God, these “work from home” bots have gotten really edgy.

God, these “work from home” bots have gotten really edgy.

Mincing garlic by hand is way less painful than cleaning a garlic press.

Mincing garlic by hand is way less painful than cleaning a garlic press.

A garlic press is for rubes who don’t know how to cook. All it will do is squeeze out all the juice, which you really want in there.

A garlic press is for rubes who don’t know how to cook. All it will do is squeeze out all the juice, which you

Catching a ball is fun. Keeping that ball? It’s just a ball. Who gives a shit? Why would you value your nostalgia over someone elses actual childhood?

I think it’s perfectly okay to really want to catch one foul ball. If you’ve never caught one before, it is a great feeling. Once you’ve caught one, then it would be good manners to give any others you catch to a kid nearby.

And as I told my daughter before taking her to see Taylor Swift, “No we are NOT going to make a poster to tell her you love her. Do YOU want to be sitting behind someone who is holding up a poster???”