
The ‘fewer kids’ part is legit.


A dude on a forum i frequent sticks a pool noodle in between his hood and his windshield before parking the car, then pulls it out in the morning.

Unions are integral to how labor works, and how management interacts with labor. Back in the early 2000s, I was working for an adult novelty and marital tools company called Head & Spin.

One of the best things I ever saw on the Trump-era internet was from Deadspin; producing that amalgam clip of all the Sinclair stations reading their right wing bullshit fake news propaganda.

Let me save everyone some time. Conclusions - traction control on: Audi slightly better. Traction control off: Audi more sloppy than the others. Trade-offs abound, and no real standout winner.

You’re welcome.

My high school junior is taking a personal finance class this semester. He is terrified of credit cards and knows how many exemptions to put on my W4. Best class ever. They should immediately disband AP Calculus and make all of them learn how to stay out of trouble in the real world. The very few going that high with

Jesus thats dangerous and so wrong. I can not imagine an actual credit training saying that. That just starts the cycle over and makes it worse. The easiest thing to do is just get one credit card, put your normal expenses during the month (groceries, utilities, gas, etc) on it and pay it off every month. Build your

The increased noise level is by far the biggest issue, but I’m facing the consequences of something I didn’t even consider before ours was rearranged:

As someone whose office just got renovated recently to a more “open concept”, it’s really not as good as a lot of people want to think.  I do like that we actually refreshed the interior to a cohesive theme instead of the years and years of additions and moved walls and mismatched carpet, but open concept means you

Let me summarise your argument:

I’d like to see some data behind these arguments, both on the environmental side as well as the “undesirable market effects.” I’m not saying I don’t think they’re true, but without data it’s just supposition. And if there’s one thing listening to Freakonomics podcast has taught me, it’s that often things don’t end up

I mean, we’re a dumb species for sure. But ironically everything you wrote is better than “Aw shucks it was just locker-room talk. Imma go ahead and check the box with the R next to it like Jesus told me to.”

Maybe a play on the 2000 GT

Just a side note: The auto playing video ads are really annoying. As someone who works in advertising and has had experience with rich media ads I can tell you they don’t work and its a great way to turn off users.

Now playing

I think legally in Britain, if you speed up a video, you have to add Yakkey Sax to it.

It’s called agile and it totally works for every industry </s>

And remember, one hand is controlling the throttle throughout this.

Great, how about we focus on other methods of transportation that serve solely for recreation instead of the ones that actually serve as transportation. Let’s start here: