
When you have some sweet booger-sugar, you don't have time for turn signals.

Glad to see Thing does something in his off time.

The rifftrax version is aways better...

@minardi: Please close your tag. It has messed up everything below.

The Beatles are my favorite band of all time, and even I don't think this is news. Apple is acting like they are re-introducing The Beatles, as if these songs have been unavailable for the last 40 years.

6 more of these, fully stocked, might make a decent zombie contingency.

Ben Quayle, Arizona's newly elected Representative (and son of Dan), helped create "Dirty Scottsdale", a spin-off of The Dirty, with Nik. He initially denied it, then said he "wrote" for the site, but it is all BS. As a Scottsdale resident, it is disgusting that this guy would be voted into office.

This sounds like a horrible idea. All these consumer websites that you have to enter your email address into will automatically see your likes/dislikes/friends (depending on your security settings). You are basically asking to get spam directed specifically at you.

No, Steve Jobs isn't wearing a suit. It is photoshopped from Godfather 2.

@CodeJanitor: Not sure if you are joking, but it is a photoshopped picture from The Godfather 2. That is also Robert Duvall playing his lawyer.

@Dynastius: He was trying to say that the song that they used sounds like the song he posted. I don't get what is so hard to understand.

If that is an obscure Beatles reference in the title, AWESOME!

Brad Paisley used something very similar to this at a show I saw. He did a duet with a holographic Alison Krauss. It looked great, so good in fact, I had to convince my girlfriend that she didn't fly all the way to Phoenix to sit on a stool, sing 1 verse of a song, and leave. It was all an illusion.

@classenmindy: See my reply to hmira001. Gizmodo repeatedly referred to it as an iPhone 4G. My comment had nothing to do with Apple, and more to do with the site.

@hmira001: I was making a statement about Gizmodo, not about Apple. They have repeatedly called it the 4G (I have listed some examples).

The new iPhone was named 4G, and while it conformed to their naming structure, it was never labeled "shady".

@Vitto #9: I read about this girl who is 23 and invented a solar powered fridge, but I guess I should try to stay on topic.