
@liftedngifted1: I hope I can torrent the shit out of some games and play them on my phone!

Just give me Metal Gear Solid, and I will buy this. The ability to make calls is secondary.

Will this be Wifi only or will you have a 3G option?

@Trez: It was sent from the other MALE character from C&H. That is why the painter is grimacing and the recipient is not happy.

@Trez: A picture of a naked body sent to someone else. What is there to get?

30 Days of Night? That movie was terrible.

My buddy's kids have reached the age where they are old enough to watch and become obsessed with Star Wars. Somehow, he missed Star Wars in his own childhood, so this is the first run for him as well.

Prop 19 passed by an overwhelming margin.

I define a hipster by their attitude that what I like is better then what you like, even if I only like it ironically.

@EiZON: Well written and well thought out. And of course you are right, I was being dramatic.

@WestwoodDenizen: The second. My laziness when it comes to cooking almost always outweighs any health issues.

If you ever eat fast food, you are eating garbage. It doesn't matter what flavor of animal, it probably all looks like this.

Beer? Get these guys some Jagermeister!


Anyone in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area have the capital for a start up? I have a GREAT idea!

@RsK: That is weird, especially because it is in the pic above.

I just want to know if you can play online multiplayer on the same console. This is one of the things that I loved about Halo 3. Having people over and everyone playing on a split screen is sometimes more fun then everyone sitting home alone. I have been disappointed that Modern Warfare and Bad Company 2 are

Shit! I just sent them my resume last week. I wonder what this is gonna mean for their Arizona locations.