
I posted this earlier in whitenoise, but you should definitely click on his profile and read his blog.

A cop worried about making a quota to keep his family fed is an ineffective cop.

Some IMDB trivia....

Floyd's Great Gig in the Sky.

@Emperor_was_a_jerk: While I am sure there were other sites, how many of those are still around?

@Jakooboo-Tandy Owner: I was tempted as well, but instead I took a screen shot and shared it with whitenoise. Trust me, there are plenty of trolls I would like to blow up, but by responding, it either approves or promotes them, and that is frowned upon. Starred commentors have the power to approved because it is

While this may sound odd, I would say that youtube has changed the world more then any other invention. The ability to instantly watch someone eat shit or an uprising in Iran has changed the world we live in. It is instant and we are there. People have used it to get airlines to pay for their broken guitars, record

@Vone: Thanks *looks at his hand* Lenny.

@Wwhat: So someone shoots me and it is my fault for not ducking?

While I doubt it is possible, I hope they find out who wrote that program and charge them with murder and terrorism.


Bear Grills, with his camera crew and less-then-real situations, is nothing compared to Les.

@hawkeye18: Boom. Sorry, should have read it more closely.

I doubt they were using a handgun, as most the movies do. Even with a full metal jacket, I doubt they would get that kind of penetration. Shoot a lock with a .223 or a .308, it is doubtful that it would survive.

Ugly bands said the same thing about Mtv when it was new.

Why steal the last funny thing Chevy Chase ever did?

Most people look back on their early work and say "that was me then". Others try to go back and change the past. Yes, the first three movies are flawed, but those "upgrades" are an abortion of my childhood. Am I being dramatic? Yes, but someone should take away Lucas's films away from himself before he ruins

This reminds me of another franchise that made fans salivate. With such a huge fan-base and marketing department, people thought "this will be the greatest thing ever!" The story took place a long, long time ago and was filled with outlandish characters. But the artist kept saying "we don't have the technology" and