
At least Giz's mock-up looks real. Did you see that thing that Engadget created? The lines don't even match up. Unholy.

What am I missing? It looks more like something you would find on cakewrecks.

The creator of the cell phone said that he was inspired by Star Trek communicators.

I have tried a similar game based on the 7 degrees of separation. Go to facebook, click on someone who is an aquantince, and click on one of their friends that you don't know. Keep going until you get to someone that has a mutual friend.

They will be at least a month behind new releases for streaming.

This guy has probably been eying that exit for a while. I doubt one incident would give this guy such an awesome idea. He has probably been walking around, thinking to himself "next guy that fucks with me, I am going right down that slide".

Makes me wonder why my eye would look like.


@SEDAGIVE?!: I KNOW!! I mean, what would happen if a black guy wanted to marry a white woman?! Anarchy I tells ya! Oh, wait, they can? THE END IS NIGH!

@Twanzio: Hetero against Letter-O!

@farcedude: The problem is that the Government issues "marriage licenses" to straight people. If they implement your solution, straight people get these licenses and homosexuals get "civil union licenses". Separate but equal has also been ruled unconstitutional, and for good reason.

For those against homosexual marriage, just think of the economic boost this could be for the country! Wedding licenses, registries, hotel bookings, plane fare! It could be an economic boom! If you are straight, this is the only way legalizing gay marriage will affect your life and it seems like a positive one! So

@jedimaster: I am straight as well, as are 90% of the people posting on here statistically. Funny that 90% have such strong convictions about something that will in no way effect them.

The ONLY good thing about Prop 8 in the first place is that it gave the people something to actually challenge. Hopefully, when this makes it to the Supreme Court, they set the precedence that says that yes, all people are created equal.

@Hello! My name is Anonymous: If they are decent human beings, they are proud of their dad. If they are Hiltons, they are shopping around their next sex tape.