Dr. Nemmo

"Life finds a way". This summer: Jurassic Henhouse.

It's been shown that old people who learn how to Google delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Doing this kind of job helps Mr.Yuan to remain young.

Check the age group in that study. I'd clearly not advice marihuana use in young people, but this study left out the whole adult population.

As if ambition were in itself a good thing.

As a psychiatrist, I've seen no psychotic stoners in 10 years of work in the field.

In my country, Chile, the statistics show that yearly, 48000 people die by tobacco use, 18000 by alcohol use and 2000 by cocaine/crack combined. The deaths atributable to marihuana are 0.

Simple, just block all the .xxx domains. Oh ! It hasn't been implemented. Yet.

We need to inforce a new "both hands on the computer" policy.


This was hilarious, and i feel guilty now.

Three words: free gmail account.

@sydcinema: I used to watch 2D movies before they got popular.

So, this ain't hardware or software.

I knew it. Not available outside the US. Damn you, Sony. Make something so I can love you again.

I appreciate the effort, but this was as fun as reading the yellow pages. The last quote: Zero Wing, made it worth, though.

That's not true. "Real" DJs have been using CD units for years, and Ableton Live and Serato are centerpieces these days. Everything else is just hipsterism.

Keep us updated. After your enthusiastic review, i have to buy this book. Thank you.