Dr. Nemmo

E-ink is just a gimmick. It's exacly the same when Apple tells you that your Macbook is not just a notebook. I'd say that's steaming manure, coming from the end parts of the male domestic cow.

Fantastic. All your bickering managed to get the video down. Now i won't be able to see it. Good job, guys. Good effing job.

I like the idea of the Playbook, but the closed model system stopped me for a long time from jumping ino the Apple boat.

I've seen several women who have tried to commit extended suicide, and the key to understand it is guilt. Depressed patients experience a lot of guilt and a deep feeling of hopelessness. They think of killing themselves to escape suffering, but then they feel guilty of leaving their kids alone in a world that will

No, less radiation is a good thing. But the tone of the note turned it a horror story.

This makes a lot of sense. Schizophrenia is a lot like cerebral ataxia, basically every area of the brain works uncoordinated with others. That's why people hear "voices". Those are areas of the brain generating thoughts/verbal perceptions but the patient is unable to recognize them as his own. Somehow the "mine" byte

I'm with him. I don't buy Sony products. Blame Sony Music and Sony Entertainment, the most monolythic and content-censoring ventures in the internet.

Absolutely! I was x-rayed, vaccinated with mercury, fed with full-fat cow milk, never used sunblock, i drove my bike without a helmet and drank water right of the hose.

I disagree with this note. A lot of the time you area able to find other patologies because the x-ray includes other areas. The only area you should protect are the ovaries in the case of girls, because x-rays can lead to mutations that would affect her kids later on life.


Easy. Put a T-Rex in the room. Now, everybody wants to get away.

Let me answer this and promote your comment with a long and hurtful sigh.

I've had nightmares like that.

There will be a time when the only choice available will be "give up", and then everybody will be running. In the meantime, people should be moving away from the area as technicians try to solve the problem.

That's interesting info. I'll check it out.

Yeah, you are right, the DC sniper case was odd. They didn't fit the expected profile by large, and certainly I would have made the same mistakes. The killers being two young black men, using a long range rifle in a mostly white populated area wasn't expected.

Hey, that's offensive. You just need to make some research on PET and all the insight it as given to us in order to understand how the brain works. Psychiatry has moved waaaay long since penis envy and lobotomies. And as every science: hypothesis, test, repeat. Change you working model if you need to.

That's a sweeping generalization, but it often is true. Remember the defense mechanism called projection?

Yeah, one must have the decency to lie.