
It felt like he was doing the math, realizing he’d given up the game-winner, but realizing it wasn’t a walk-off, it sure wasn’t even the final out, and he was going to have to go get that damn ball. Fucking brutal.

Neutral observer here. When Grisham overran the ball you saw him basically start to collapse after he realized what had happened, only to then realize he couldn’t even mourn his mistake since it was only the 8th and Soto was still running the bases. Man, I felt that.

I’m genuinely afraid that these thunderfucks have a point. As previously stated, the American people are monumentally stupid. Introduce some Slavic names into the mix, and a vast swath of this country turns into a Charlie Brown classroom.

“Democrats keep making up these words like ‘collusion’ and ‘extortion’ and ‘emoluments’ and ‘impeachment’. No one heard of these alleged words before Trump came into office. I mean, you viewers could check a dictionary but that’s kind of a complicated and time consuming task. We here at Fox & Friends checked into it

Indeed, the connection between the President, the attorney general, and the president’s personal lawyer is just too confusing to figure out. I can’t wait until Trump’s idiot children get implicated, and they’re all like “Whoa, wait a minute, now there are TWO guys named Donald Trump involved?  How do you expect the

Chris Wallace gets as much respect as I can muster for an employee of Fox News.

I hate it so much, most of all because it’s counted as part of the “playoffs”. Just have MLB admit that the two wild cards qualify you for a play-in game to get to the playoffs and it would fix like 73% of my gripe with it.

All they have to do is win like 2 games this weekend and the Twins lose 2, it’s not completely outside the realm of possibility here.

I mean, right now, if you told me that I could guarantee Mitch loses reelection but I’d have to get herpes to do it, I would have to think about it for a minute. And I’d have some clarifying questions.

That’s a pretty low bar. Herpes is more popular than Mitch.

Rudi may want to jump in and tell his client to stop incriminating himself.

Go Padres!

Remember that Seinfeld where George has sex with the cleaning woman, and when his boss confronts him, his bullshit response is “Should I not have done that? Is that sort of thing frowned upon. Because I gotta say, at my old job we did that sort of thing all the time.” Essentially the WH is adopting that strategy

Combine this with Giuliani throwing everyone under the bus, reading his texts from the State dept. on Fox News last night and every dumbfuck Repub talking head addressing everything but the actual crimes committed and we’ve got a popcorn-worthy shitshow that should be pretty satisfying up until the inevitable “not

Wait until Babe Ruth IV signs with the Albuquerque Isotopes.

You might want to add a note to the Cleveland entry in your playoff rooting guide that Cleveland will not, in fact, be playing in the postseason.

Anyone who lives in Las Vegas ... should be punched in the face.

Anyone who lives in Las Vegas and judges a tourist should be punched in the face. Tourists are the only reason that city exists.

5 Throwgasms for a Lions game? Unless they’re bringing back Barry Sanders and unmasking former fan ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER I don’t see it.

Without the drinking, Drew is basically Jon Stewart’s character from half-baked now.