
The Challenger explosion, followed by the 1988 Presidential Elections since we were flying out of the country that same day and didnt hear about the results until we landed in El Salvador the following morning (Although it was pretty much a no brainer at the time who was going to win).

The deadpan “Yes” from Milhouse gets me everytime!!! hahahaha

The 2012 World Series. The Tigers had just destroyed the Yanks in the ALCS only to lose to the voodoo magic infused Giants in the World Series.

What a great idea!! I’ll share this link in the many Dodger groups I am a part of on Facebook!!



LMAO!! Thank you for the screen shot!! Was wondering why the hell he would be smiling during all that!!

Man, that no sell of Rey’s dropkick to Angle’s back to set up the 619 was BRUTAL!!

Drinking around the world at EPCOT is an amazing thing!

My first thought was “When you miss rehearsal”

As soon as I read that line I KNEW somebody was going to post this picture! Bravo!

I saw it when I was 10 also but I guess I blocked out how violent that movie was. I didnt even remember the part where the OCP board member gets torn to effing shreds by the ED-209 until I watched the movie as an adult!

I agree. The last El Nino there were times when the sun wouldnt come out for days. This one has seen VERY little rain and hot weather!!


If they turn Dean heel, then they are CLEARLY out of touch. WWE dropped the ball with Dean IMO last year during his feud with Seth Rollins. Ambrose was getting near Stone Cold Steve Austin pops when he would arrive. I know that Rollins had only been champion for a few months at that point, but they shouldve gone the

Granted I’ve only used it twice, but how do you tip? Do you just hand someone the cash? Is their an option on the app?

Ugh..I hate to admit it, but I can totally see them doing this.