
lol that reminds me of a picture I saw once, on a dating site of all places:

Maybe you also think Reagan chose Philadelphia, Mississippi at random to launch his campaign. Google “dog whistle” sometime.

Yeah. Seems like an idea to turn on when a DDoS attack breaks out. Then turn off once the attack is resolved.

“What difference does it make?” If it makes no difference, why did China work on making theirs the biggest? Don’t be naive. The same thing is happening with supercomputers.

Same here. Time to build a bigger one in the Southwest somewhere.

One day, someone will commission a study that finds that whomever asks for the date should pick up the check.

Pretty hard for many women, apparently. I rarely receive courtesy gestures from women when I am out in public. They let doors go as soon as they are through, cut me off on the sidewalk, rush to seats ahead of old men, and go for their own. Which is fine. But the warrant behind your statement is that all these women

Are you implying is is easy to be a “dude”?

Sounds like you view dates as solicitation of prostitution. Fun.

“ I just FEEL that he doesn’t deserve any sort of kindness.” You’re still waffling.I’m not even sure what you mean by “any sort of kindness” - do you mean clemency? Or lethal injection vs drawing and quartering?

“I am a person who sees 2 women on a 10 recommendations list, and about 5 women for 5 men in the world, and I’m commenting on it seeming very disproportionate.”

“triumvirate of women” funny for people who study Latin.

“I’ve asked in confusion before why the fuck anyone would want sex with someone who is not enthusiastically willing” Ask all of the women who fake orgasm.

What you state is a half-truth. The female mantis head-eating also happens in the wild, not just due to lab hardship. Also females cannibalize males outside of mating situations a lot more.

“if you can’t tell the people around you are so drunk” that logic is not sound. By definition, if you can’t tell someone’s level of drunkenness then you can’t tell whether they are too drunk or just drunk enough to still give consent (whatever that would mean). That is why I think “only yes means yes” is more accurate

Meh. Anything moving in the President’s direction is going to get the scrutiny it deserves. No cop wants to be the one who said hey it’s just a cyclist only to have the motorcade go up in an explosion. Classic Black Swan - everyone would think it’s preposterous until it happens.

Drag is a whole different search.

If someone is having sex in the woods where other people can happen by, it is not morally wrong for those people to watch them. What do you mean? One could just as easily say it is morally wrong for those people to have sex on a trail where others walk by. It’s not exactly their living room.

“There are times when I question my belief that the death penalty has no place in a modern, developed, progressive nation.” Well you don’t have such a belief so why are you questioning a nonexistent thing? You are for the death penalty - you just cited at least one case in which you support it. Which makes sense