
alternative theory based on Ivanka’s expression (grinning wider, raising her eyebrows) is that Trump was looking directly at the woman he WISHED was his wife but sadly he isn’t a Lannister.

Neither do I. Margaret employed some comedic license, but the way she told it seemed accurate in spirit to me, on seeing the emails. And I thought she had Tilda dead to rights on this specific item.

they certainly portrayed a far more civil exchange than Cho had described (she also objectively mischaracterized Swinton’s reason for mentioning a project she was producing starring Steven Yeun)

He’s a murderer, a terrorist, an unapologetic racist, and an evil piece of shit.

Everyone who voted for Trump should get down on their knees and beg and plead for more illegal immigrants to come here. You know why?

I don’t want the wall. And I don’t give a fuck what some redneck asshole like Electric Grid, who took time away from fucking his sister to post this, has to say about it.

Does this count as accidental anal?

Tucker Carlson, the former bowtie-wearer bottled by the same vintner as Sean Hannity but given less time to age

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

And so? Keith Ellison is, who endorsed Bernie when no one else did and is well-positioned to be the DNC chair. Elizabeth Warren is, and she represents a brand of progressivism this party needs (shameless silence on Standing Rock aside.) Nina Turner is. Sherrod Brown is. Should I keep going? Or do I have to find more

The speech was emphasizing that you can’t have one without the other. I.E. It wouldn’t be good if a queer POC CEO was outsourcing jobs left right and center, or if a Latina woman was in charge of creating oppressive stop-and-frisk policies. These things would be bad irrelevant of identity.

Oh, and where is Saint Bernie in all this? Still sucking the dick of the precious white male vote I guess.

Speaking out against #NODAPL and talking about what the DNC needs to do moving forward. But hey, strawman.


He’s also extraordinarily Islamophobic. Basically agrees with the extreme right-wing that it’s a “religion of violence.”

That’s not even funny.

Kamala Harris from California. Book it.

Achieving your later five points (which I wholeheartedly agree with) does not require enacting your first. If you only mean emphasis in messaging, fine. But if you mean in policy, please don’t ask people with minority identities to go to the back of the bus.

I’m sending RBG super vitamins is what I’m doing
And whatever Stephen Breyer is having too

And I’m going to start watching Fox News, so I can see what Bret Baier and Anne Coulter and Sean Hannity have planned for us in the run up to 2020.
I’ll report back.

But the thing is, saying, “Well, even if it isn’t true it’s the sort of thing they’d do” is what Hillary has had to put up with for twenty-five years. Benghazi, Vince Foster, crackpipe Christmas decorations, flinging heavy objects at Secret Service people, secret email servers that leaked information to China,