
With all respect to GC: bullshit. You’ll notice that the rewrite changes “near” to “nearly”, because they are different words that work differently. It was a miss. What kind of miss? A near one.

I’m assuming Eddie doesn’t know Peter/Spider-Man, but Venom somehow does.


True fact: I handled this by being unable to count to 6 during the movie, and kept thinking “It’s the Sinister Six!  They really did it!”

Thanks! I knew I’d seen the bartender somewhere but couldn’t place it.

I was watching that coffee shop scene and the snow and I realized: you shameless bastards, after all that, you still have the energy to rip off It’s a Wonderful Life, except you’re leaving George Bailey in Pottersville.

Bear in mind, this is a universe where, again, and I can’t say this with enough scorn, we’re supposed to accept that half of the human race disappeared, then came back un-aged five years later, and it is, at worst, a weird inconvenience.

My first thought was “Why is Matt being secretive with these people? These are the best people in the world to tell!”

Bring back Spoiler Space, NOW.

Keaton’s Vulture is so alive that I’m pretty sure he’s in a couple of frames of the Morbius trailer they ran before my showing, but fuck if I know what reality any of that is in.

Oh, I see the problem. That was Mike Murdoch, that’s why he looked weird.

I present at a Jets game when Warner was playing for the Cardinals against them, the year Brett Favre was the Jets QB. The final was 56-35 Jets. It’s the second-highest scoring game in Jets history. It was effin wild.

For Anna Paquin trashy fun, seek out “Flack” on — imdbTV? Amazon Prime? It was on Starz I think for its first 6-episode season and got a streaming-only second season.  About a messed-up PR woman in London (her sister is Anne Dudek, for those who are fans of her.)

Now playing

For those who aren’t familiar, the old Underdog theme song:

The Fargo TV series had a character named Doctor Senator, so why shouldn’t reality have a weird name?

I feel certain this will be the biggest box office for a movie released in 2021, although not necessarily from 2021 tickets.

[Pushes glasses up nose] Ben Parker was Peter’s father’s brother, so May COULD have been significantly older, but Ben and May have always been represented as not so far apart in age.

This probably doesn’t quite count because of the lack of appropriate visibility, but I looked up the woman playing Barbara Gordon on Titans — who presumably has been paralyzed by a gunshot to the spine, and is always shown with one leg crossed in front -- and discovered that the actress in fact lost a leg in an

His initials are MSM?  Crisis actor!

The Hide My Email thing is apparently only for iCloud+ subscribers.