
It’s an internal code name, not the product name.

His parents are a fashion photographer and an opera director. That’s not bad, but I don’t see how it gets you much in Hollywood.

Everybody had the Broadway album back then.  By which I mean, my parents, but I think I’m right.

The live Grease also happens to feature -- through sad coincidence -- the tension of Vanessa Hudgens doing her big song the day after her father passed away, which is honestly the main thing I remember.  And you don’t get that from a film.

It’s strange that it exists, but it’s not “the strangest holiday offering”, it was aggressively normal.  (Also, one of the gifts near the end is a box -- maybe DVDs? -- labeled “Legends of TomorrBO”.  That is indeed the extent of the references.)

Well, they obviously didn’t have that information yet.

Now that I think of it...the credits spoiled Chyler Leigh and Javica Leslie, one of whom didn’t even have a line (?), but am I right that they didn’t mention Cavanagh? (My recording’s gone so I can’t check.)

Let’s see if he gets to use “Dr. Oz” on the ballot.

“I forgot Joe West was dead!” yelled Barry, not noticing the “and JESSE L MARTIN” credit appearing at that exact instant.

And I just noticed a NEW Kinja fuck-you: even though there are comments, the comment button now says “Start the discussion”, leading me to think there were none, until I saw that there were actually dozens and clicked the button anyway.

Six hours after your posting, I got a news alert about a school shooting; “Six injured” is the current headline.

I started the Guardians of the Galaxy game on PS5, because it was one of my rare “buy a current game” choices (at $30 last week on Amazon); I am putting it aside after one “chapter” because it already softlocked once, and although restarting from checkpoint cleared it up, the reddit thread for reporting bugs to Square

On the one hand, my opinion about these examples matches yours. On the other hand, if you think that your preposition choices are based on any more logic than those of the people who disagree, I’m pretty skeptical. Like, why is it “on purpose” but “by accident”? People like to think their way of speaking is just “more

Seriously. Thanksgiving, at least at anyone’s I’ve ever seen, is turkey, stuffing/dressing which may or may not have meat in it and/or be cooked in the turkey, and 10 side dishes.  You can be a stealth vegetarian for sure -- strict vegan is another matter, though.

Apparently mattresses work like this too; the model at any given store is often unique to that store, so “price matching”, if advertised, will never happen.

It’s got to be a bad sign that last week’s comments contained more than one along the lines of “Is Joe dead?  Did that happen?  I don’t think that happened, but I don’t remember for sure.”

I have only seen this once, and decades ago, so I’m sure I’d see it differently now somehow, but my summary at the time was “You should be a unique free spirit, just like me.  And if you’re not a unique free spirit, just like me, go fuck yourself.” Like I say, maybe it’s wrong, but that’s how I took it.

Polygon has called for Kotick to resign:

I’m not the person you replied to, but as I see it, complaining about “the narrative” is almost universally used to mean “I can’t say you’re wrong about anything, but I don’t like the implications of those true facts”.

I don’t play this genre of games, but boy one of my least favorite game things is when the game does something annoying, and then makes it an upgrade to stop being annoying.  Like, in at least one Tomb Raider (reboot) game, climbing with the pick axe is slow and annoying, and there’s a skill perk to make it faster.