
It’s a paraphrase (possibly intentional) of a famous game design statement: “Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.”

Same friend — who is from the South! — smacked his forehead (over the phone) when I pointed out that the name “Rita Skeeter” kind of gives away the game about the small insect that buzzes around during the book.  I think he’s kind of inattentive.

Which just reminds me of this exchange I had with a friend; the friend was a book reader, but I experienced the entire series as audiobooks.

In particular, through Goblet, the books have a large dose of “mystery stories for people who haven’t read a lot of mysteries”. Which is fine, because the audience hasn’t.

That’s someone who needs a blog.

I saw the musical of SoR in London a couple of years ago and it was pretty reasonable.  The kids play their own instruments, and much to my surprise, despite it being an Andrew Lloyd Webber show, they kept the original School of Rock song because it’s “iconic”.

That’s the piece where they accidentally said/implied that it’s on Paramount+, so this whole article is really a correction that doesn’t mention the original error.

As I see it, the entire point of The Leftovers is that we can’t know, because the Departure is a metaphor for death. “What happens after we die” is not a question to be answered in a series finale, or at all.

OH GODDAMMIT they would, wouldn’t they?

Martin Sheen seems cool, but oh those boys.  (Maybe there’s a third one who’s OK, like a Cooper Manning thing.)

Post-viewing: there are definitely some moments when I thought, at the time, “this would have landed better if the previous phase of the story had been active in my mind for longer than an hour”.

By the way, news from opening day (Friday) at my theater: NO ads, NO previews. Very strange.

Yeah, now that we’re post-release, spoilers, blah blah: it seemed like they were heading towards making that one Deviant a character, but then they just stopped.  It felt like an abandoned idea, although I hate proclaiming things like that when I don’t know.

Or...maybe because the enjoy them?

Portal is a good idea here, as it rarely prioritizes speed, which might be an issue.

Why take a vaccine that literally hundreds of millions of people have had, when you can take a pill that over 750 people have taken? It’s just math.

I want to know whose idea it was to have, at essentially the same moment that a guy is ignoring Zari because everyone in 1925 Chicago is racist, a white woman and black man walking together just outside the window, chatting and laughing, which also contradicts the entire point of Eddie’s “only place all people are

I wondered if this was why the story here mentions racist reporting, but from the redacted photos I honestly couldn’t tell.

“While the principal is clearly more of a secondary character at present, Miller is nonetheless well-utilized, and the fact that she’s <strike>married to the showrunner</strike>both the principal and the mother of one of the students is a solid way to involve her more as the series progresses.”

I really wanted to understand what can and can not hurt Eclipso, but failed.  Does physical force have no effect all?  Just need enough?  Need electricity?  Got me.